  • Female
  • Midland, NC
  • United States
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Ncfiredyke's Friends

  • Robbie Cox
  • Barb Leonard
  • Sarah Turner
  • Nella
  • John
  • Carrie McCurdy
  • firekill
  • Michael Sisk
  • Kim Chamberlain
  • Jeff Barnette
  • TraciB
  • Kimberly D Cox
  • danny w furr
  • Jess
  • Fire&Emsboy1982

ncfiredyke's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid, Fire/Rescue Department - Combination
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
midland, nc
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Cornelius fire and rescue
Idlewild fire and rescue
My Training:
FF II,EMT, Haz Mat Ops, SRTII, Rescue Tech, Trench Rescue, Large Animal Rescue, Wildland Firefighter, WMD,
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping people and fighting fires.

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At 9:34pm on November 2, 2008, Barb Leonard said…
Hey there. I actually know where Midland is!!!!! We are kinda neighbors. Just wanted to say hello!
At 1:28am on June 7, 2008, Nella said…
hey there, love the nic. Sounds like you have a really interesting and varied job up there. The largest animal I have rescued is a cat....and I still think it didn't want rescuing....but what can you do when you already up the tree with it???
At 7:09pm on January 3, 2008, Tricia said…
Hi love the name I was reading your profile it says large animal rescue we dont do that much here but we do have alot of grass fires and flooding and we always have alot of animals involved of course did you take a special course for that and if so is it available anywhere would love more info on that. Thanks, Tricia
and by the way I am the blonde in the picture my partner is also a firefighter.
At 2:30am on December 7, 2007, Don Smith said…
At 1:03pm on October 30, 2007, TraciB said…
Hey lady any good calls this weekend? be safe out there
At 12:52am on October 29, 2007, Jim Seargent said…
I hope this past week went well for you. Any good runs of note? I see you have your cert in large animal rescue. Is there much call for that? My girlfriend is a member of the C.A.R.T. ,(county animal rescue team),team as well as being a firefighter and water rescue captain. I'm sure she would be interested to hear your expertise.
At 3:30pm on October 27, 2007, Randy Macey said…
Check out the some of the Groups, I have started up "Close Calls" an area to tell your story of what you did and should not of so others learn. "Roll Calls" this is another group that allows you to tell us about your station and district. "Trainers Corner" is another area that you can read about issues other trainers have or deal with. As well if your not a trainer you can ask questions or state concerns you have. If you have a hard time locating them just go to my site and look at the bottom left hand corner.

Enjoy, be safe and remember we all come home.

At 2:20pm on October 25, 2007, Jim Seargent said…
OK, I think this prooves that I'm an idiot. I can't figure out how to actually add you to my friends. I followed all of the instructions, but seem to be comming up dry. Dementia at 41, sometimes I wish I grew up with computers!
At 2:11pm on October 25, 2007, Jim Seargent said…
Love to have you aboard as a friend! I hope all is well down there and it will stay warm. Fall is finally setting in here in PA, and it's a bit depressing. Does your department include a dive team? Yea, I could go to the website and look, but then I would have less of a reason to write. What's your call volume like? I hope tp hear from you soon, and as always, keep your head down.
At 4:51am on October 24, 2007, TraciB said…
Hey lady just dropped in to say have a great day!!!!

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