i have completed the basic fire fighter training and am a certified firefighter i am curently going through my basic EMT course to becomr an EMT ......
About Me:
i am engaged and getting married in september
Day Job:
currently unemployeed
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i have always had a dream to help people and my fire department has a youth fire fighter system and it got me introduced to firefightig and j have been hooked ever since.....
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i have a passion for helping people
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Hi there; Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badges, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU)
Cheers Leo
Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help. greetings from Mexico.
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Join My Firefighter Nation
If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badges, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU)
Cheers Leo

Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help. greetings from Mexico.