Jeremy (j-dubbzz) Wenstrup
  • 48, Male
  • Burlington, KY
  • United States
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Jeremy (j-dubbzz) Wenstrup's Friends

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  • Filiberto Rodriguez
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Jeremy (j-dubbzz) Wenstrup's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department, Other Response Agency Type, N/A
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Serving Since 1996
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
current department pending
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Cold Spring/Crestview Fire Dept. (now Central Campbell Fire Dist.) (Campbell County, KY) 1996-1998
Campbell County Water Rescue (Campbell County, KY) 1996-2000
Point Pleasant Fire protection Dist. (Boone County, KY) 2005-2006
My Training:
KY State Certified Firefighter
Confined Space Search & Rescue
Advanced Auto Extrication
Advanced First Aid and CPR, Defib Certified
Previous NREMT-D
FF survival and Rescue
Haz-Mat Responder
Completed Flashover Simulator Training
About Me:
My name is Jeremy. I'm 32, happily married to my wife for 8 years. I have a 7 year old son, a 2 year old daughter and a third on the way. I was recently able to quit working to stay home with my kids.
When I was single, firefighting was my life. I actually lived at the fire house for the first year I was a firefighter. I have always been a volunteer. I am not currently on a department, but live near 2 excellent houses. I am planning to apply to one, or both as a volunteer and hope to be able to turn that into a paid position.
I love music, comedy, camping, boating and hiking. I love spending time with my family and friends.
Day Job:
Stay at home dad
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My neighbor growing up in Cold Spring, was an EMT with the local fire department and an EMT instructor for the state. He was a great guy, and I used to help him out with yard work and what not. One day he asked me if I was 18 yet because I could get on the department and they could use someone like me. I was only 16 at the time, so I waited. Once I turned 18, I went to the fire house, and the rest is history. So I owe it all to Ron Hill. Thanks, Ron!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love being able to help someone when they are in need, wheather it is as small as an aide to property call, or a full on structure fire, I love to be able to help and give back to my community.

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At 11:07am on February 27, 2009, Robert said…
Extraordinary Career. Extraordinary People.

We are offering opportunities for full pay and benefits WHILE WE TRAIN YOU to become a professional Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician! These entry level positions require no previous experience. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. A GED is acceptable.

Our 450 career men and women Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians are dedicated to protecting lives. Few careers can offer such a challenging and meaningful mission in an atmosphere of teamwork and camaraderie. Prince William County, VA, pop. 380,000, is a large and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D. C. We are a growing organization with tremendous learning and promotional opportunities.

If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

Please visit our web site at and click on “Career Opportunities.” You will find our short employment application form which can be submitted online. Apply now if you are ALS for a July hire (15 positions). Apply now at any level for a Jan 2010 hire. (30 positions)

Email mail if you have any questions.
At 8:19pm on February 25, 2009, Filiberto Rodriguez said…

Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning important the Border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
Greetings from Mexico.
you’re new friend Filiberto.

At 7:43am on February 25, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Hi there Jeremy; Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
I also collect Patches and badges; looking for Police, Medical & Fire service patches. If U know someone in these groups and/or U are interested, send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badge, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
My Email is (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU) and/or my address is:-
Leo Cartwright J.P. 246 Kay Street; TRARALGON; Victoria; Australia; 3844

Cheers Leo
At 4:18pm on February 24, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
JW, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere and get your feet wet. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

Chief William Sharp
Southern Oregon Coast

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