Diana Carolina
  • 35, Female
  • valle del cauca
  • Colombia
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Diana Carolina's Friends

  • pablo carranza
  • Jonathan Spencer
  • tito
  • jaime
  • carlos enrique puente
  • Andres Muñoz Cabrera
  • chris brown
  • Jason Patrick
  • Feri Agriadi
  • Matthew Varnadoe
  • jared robinson
  • Mike Moncrief
  • Jim
  • catfish
  • Nate Johnson

Diana Carolina's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 12:17pm on February 25, 2009, tito said…

Hola Diana me gustaria intercambiar información profesional y poder conocer un poco mas de los Bomberos de tu Tierra, aunque ya conosco algun camarada tuyo. Desde ya estas invitada a participar y agregarte al grupo Bomberos Voluntarios de Argentina http://www.firefighternation.com/group/tito2008 Un fuerte abrazo desde el Destacamento Nº1 Banfield de los Bomberos Voluntarios de Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires "Argentina", Chau!!
At 11:00am on February 25, 2009, Jonathan Spencer said…
Hola Diana, gracias por tu saludo. Como has estado ?

At 8:36pm on February 15, 2009, Tony P said…
Hello Diana. Just a little on the comment you made on the "Australian Firefighters' group (all nice coments welcome of course!).

Firefighter and Paramedic are two different things in Australia, we don't combine the two careers. Emergency ambulance care is a government (or government sponsored) service in each State, and emergency firefighting is State controlled also. To be a paramedic (in my state, Victoria) requires that you do a specific three year university course, plus clinical training. I think the other States would have a similar requirement. Career firefighting is a much sought-after job, there are always many more people applying for the recruit courses than there are positions available. The same as many other countries I think!

About the only way you could combine the two would be to become a paramedic while living in an area that has a volunteer Fire Brigade. There are paramedics who are volunteer firefighters, as there are police and career firefighters who volunteer.

I'm not trying to scare you off from coming, just trying to tell you how things work here. If living and working in Australia is your dream, by all means chase that dream! This is a lovely country and a great place to live. Not perfect, but then no country is perfect!
At 11:20pm on December 23, 2008, Jonathan Spencer said…
Hola Diana...
Quisiera en estos días tan especiales, dar las gracias por todo lo recibido, construir un lugar donde pueda estar con toda mi familia y amigos, los de cerca y los de lejos. Los que me han acompañado siempre y los de ahora. Aquellos que veo cada día y los que raramente Encuentro. Los que me han acompañado en los momentos difíciles, y los de las horas alegres. Aquellos a quienes conozco profundamente, y aquellos a quienes conozco apenas por sus apariencias. A los que sin querer herí y los que sin querer me hirieron. Los que me deben y aquellos a quienes les debo mucho. Los de siempre recordados, y los que a veces se me olvidan. Quiero recordad a todos los que han pasado por mi vida y desearles unas felices fiestas, que puedan encontrar la paz que necesitan y disfrutar del amor de sus familias y de aquellos que los aman. Que Florezca la Esperanza, El Amor y la Paz para todos Ustedes…

At 8:01pm on November 30, 2008, Jonathan Spencer said…
Hola Diana, gracias por aceptar mi solicitud de amistad, espero que te encuentres bien. Un abrazo grande y cuidate.
At 2:07am on October 7, 2008, Andres Muñoz Cabrera said…
Hola Diana, gracias por tu invitación. Un caluroso abrazo. Que Dios te bendiga
At 9:00pm on July 20, 2008, Chan Rivera said…
hello Diana want to say hi too you be safe "Chan"
At 2:46am on July 10, 2008, Jim said…
Hello from North Carolina, USA. How large is the area that you cover and what is the size of your department? Just sent an add request. Stay safe. Jim
At 7:27am on July 8, 2008, Brian Gilbert said…
At 11:47am on July 7, 2008, Don Sims said…
Hello and welcome from E. TN. I hope you enjoy the nation, stay safe and take care.

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