brian breemes
  • Male
  • Stafford, NY
  • United States
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Brian breemes's Friends

  • Davin Eshelman
  • Bradley Crowell
  • Jon Strong
  • Steve
  • Megan
  • Sascha Hilgers
  • Joshua Shultz
  • Dale Dittrick
  • Brett Hill
  • Donna VanSlyke
  • Boice  Atkinson
  • Chris Scopano
  • Steven
  • Allysons Daddy
  • Matyas Petz

brian breemes's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
stafford fire dept
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
caledonia fire dept
My Training:
ff1,ff2, haz mat ops, haz mat tech, auto extrication, certified first responder, fire police, fire behavior and arson awareness, building construction noncombustible,fire reporting,alternative feuled new vehicle technology,mercy flight ground crew,aviation rescue,intro to fire officer,fire investigator,firefighter survival
About Me:
im 27 into sports firefighting medical racing being with my fiancee hunting fishing mudding being a daddy to my daughter
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
give back to community
Why I Love Fire/EMS
adrenaline rush and helping people
Top Issues Facing Responders:
not enough volunteers

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Brian breemes's Blog

long day

Posted on March 26, 2011 at 10:20pm 2 Comments

    on thursday march 24 at 07:45 am the bergen fire dept had a multiple car mva involving 3 cars and a tractor trailer hauling fuel oil. a car blew the stop sign and hit the tractor trailer the car spun 360 degrees and hit another car and the tractor trailer flipped on its side sliding down the roadway any swiping another car up with it.they came to rest in a ditch with the car pinned under the rig. bergen was called in and they were notified that there was gasoline in the trailer and that it… Continue

busy day

Posted on May 15, 2010 at 11:00am 0 Comments

on saturday may 8 our first call came in at 1 for a controlled burn no big deal then we got 5 more calls wires down investigations trees and poles down but that was ok then around 8pm we got toned out to stand by at town of batavias station 2 being there only 20 mins we were called into the scene of a warehouse fire on 33 swan st there was no place for a interior attack so we hit it with blitz fires and areials out truck engine 94 fed city of batavias trucks ladder 15 water it was going to be a… Continue

trench rescue

Posted on January 29, 2010 at 3:56pm 1 Comment

on tues jan 25 2010 around 1300 we responded to a trench rescue call workers were working on putting in water lines when the trench walls collapsed on one of the workers upon arrival we were notified that they had him dug out and all we had to do was get him out of the hole when we arrived myself as well as two of our guys climbed down a ladder into the hole with the proper safety equipment we had the operator of the excavator making a ramp so we can get him out when we were set to go mercy… Continue

structure fire in bethany new york

Posted on January 28, 2010 at 3:56pm 0 Comments

my name is brian breemes i am wih the stafford fire dept in ny tues jan 26th at 900 hrs a second alarm or a structure fire fully engulfed 9 fire depts responded including mine with our engine being 2nd on scene upon arrival we saw smoke and flames from 1 mile away when we approached the structure we found heavy smoke and fire from the back of the house we did an aggressive interior attack when the 2nd attack crew went to the second floor they found the stairs had collapsed as my self and chris… Continue

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At 12:56am on October 6, 2010, Matyas Petz said…
Hey Brian,

Here is my E-mail:
Send me your address and we can trade:))
Stay safe
At 2:26am on August 2, 2010, Matyas Petz said…

If you still have an xl shirt, i am willing ti trade. i have a Hungarian, brand new...Xl
Stay safe...
At 9:15pm on May 27, 2010, Jon Strong said…
Jon Strong
1312 Ave K
Hawarden, IA 51023
At 9:40pm on March 18, 2010, Jon Strong said…
I would be interested in trading XL shirt
At 2:24pm on March 2, 2010, Sascha Hilgers said…
Hey Bro,
I would exchange with pleasure a T-shirt and a pullover if you should be in it interrestet!

Stay Safe
At 9:24am on January 30, 2010, Davin Eshelman said…
yeah no problem...saw you were with stafford and guys invite us to your parades a lot but we never show because we never have enough members to march...i would really like to go sometime
At 2:03am on March 19, 2009, Brett Hill said…
Hello, as the founder of the 9/11 Patch Project (originally the National Firefighters 9/11 Memorial Patch) I have recently updated the website and released the 10 Year 9/11 Anniversary Patches. This project has run for over 7 years and involves 5000 fire, ems, police and military org's around the world. Would love to have each of your departments on board.

The project is about sharing common threads, a uniform memorial patch that we can all wear as a lasting tribute and raising funds.

Organizations that have benefited by monetary or merchandise donations in the past are:
- The UFA Widows and Children's Fund
- World Memorial
- Terry Farrell Scholarship Fund
- San Antonio Burned Out Survivors
- Esperanza Firefighters Fund

Please visit the website when you have a moment and consider supporting this successful worldwide effort. Funds will continue to be donated and raised to host a west coast 10 Year 9/11 Event called, "Nine11-Twenty11."

Also interested in other items you might want to see with either of the designs on them (eg. window decals, ball caps, T-shirts, job shirts, military versions, etc.)

Thanks in advance for having a look!

Brett Hill- Founder
9/11 Patch Project
At 9:11pm on March 14, 2009, Donna VanSlyke said…
Hey, thanks for adding me to your friend list. Are you taking the SCBA confidence class? Tell Megan I said hello.

At 6:35pm on January 12, 2009, Filiberto Rodriguez said…

Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help. greetings from Mexico.
At 1:59pm on January 12, 2009, Stephanie E. Call said…
Hi Brian,
No problem!!

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