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  • Mark Dennis
  • Jason
  • Chris Turner
  • john
  • Jacob Peck
  • Eugene aka Mr.Freeze
  • Nathan Seay
  • Charles Box
  • HTFA howard
  • Scott Runkel
  • Tony P
  • Brad Duncan
  • Daniel Curtis

Sarah's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
I've been a Fire Fighter for 1 year
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
1 Year
About Me:
I'm 26 years old. I have 1 son that is 4 years old, and a second child on the way. I've done my share of stupid things in the past, but now I'm all about setting the example of how life should be lived as a law abiding citizen. My son is everything to me. I just pray that I will always be able to do my job and make it back home to him.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the department to help protect my community. I've always believed in giving something back, and making a difference. I also believe that I can give the younger people in my community a positive role model to look up to.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's something new everytime you're called out. It's an adrenaline rush. It allows me to make a positive impact in my community.

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 8:54pm on April 13, 2008, Daniel Curtis said…
Hey there you just wanted to say hello
At 8:56pm on March 31, 2008, Alan Clemons said…
hi Sarah, Grenada Mississppi here. Would like to add u as a friend.
At 6:53pm on March 31, 2008, DANNY said…
welcome to ffn stay safe
At 7:04am on March 31, 2008, Tony P said…
Sorry Sarah, I unintentionally sent and ADD to you. I'm not in the habit of adding people I haven't spoken with, so please feel free to decline - I won't feel hurt :)
At 9:17pm on March 30, 2008, scott kauhn said…
welcome to ffn stay safe and have a great week
At 10:34am on March 29, 2008, Coach said…
Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. In addition to the relatively cool videos and fire scene photos, there are numerous groups, discussions and chat available.

If you have never had the opportunity, take a minute to explore and the secret list. This is a wonderful web site to explore and learn from the mistakes of others. It is also, sadly, a roll call of those whom have made the ultimate sacrifice, in their service to their communities.

We have all joined the Public Safety Community for a variety of our personal reasons. Some of us are paid, while others volunteer. Many are firefighters, while others enjoy the EMS side of the house. We have active firefighters, line officers, chiefs, administrative officers, and a number of old timers who have seen most of the mistakes already made at least once. We have firefighters with many many years of experience, and others that, well, don’t. All are welcome here in The Nation. We welcome your input, just as we hope that you learn from the experiences of others.

Personally, I have 31 years service to the local fire department. I have held most line officer positions, and some administrative as well. Now part of the Old Guard so to speak, I am less inclined to go charging into where others are trying to escape. Instead, I choose to monitor the fire scene closely, attempting to ensure the safety of all on the fire scene.

I welcome you to the FFN. Here we all share one common goal.....

Everyone Goes Home
At 5:57am on March 28, 2008, TRUCKIE said…
Hey Sarah welcome to the nation and stay safe out there
At 12:34am on March 28, 2008, Dusty Baize said…
welcome to FFN. have a safe one out there!!
At 11:35pm on March 27, 2008, Rob Fritsche said…
welcome to ffn, stay safe
At 9:29pm on March 27, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
hello Sarah how are you doing

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