I think some of the issues facing responders are the many changes in the fire service over the last 15 years. When I started back in 1991, all we did was fight fire. As the years passed, we took on EMS and HAZMAT, implemented the Incident Command System, and now we face the challenges of terrorism and WMD. The culture has also changed in the fire service. I see a more professional environment where the young rookies are highly educated and motivated and are shooting for promotions as fast as they can. I think this new generation of young firefighters will make for some great leaders in the future, but hopefully they will take their time and learn as much as they can from experience.
Thanks Chief! I've been pretty busy and haven't had time to browse around this site yet, but looking forward to some good reading. Take care...
Rob Madrigal
Hilo, Hawaii
Rob, Welcome to the FireFighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.
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Rob Madrigal
Hilo, Hawaii
Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon