Randy ( Coconut) Agruda
  • Male
  • Traverse City, MI
  • United States
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Randy ( Coconut) Agruda's Friends

  • Steve Wonegeshik
  • Jake Stoffer
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd
  • Sharon Garcia Valle
  • Jared McGuire
  • Tracy
  • Coretta
  • Amanda Coleman
  • John
  • Kevin
  • Brent E Webster
  • Frederick Pettengill Jr.
  • Kim
  • Frankie Winslow

Randy ( Coconut) Agruda's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Grand Traverse Metro Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
FFI/FFII, Fire Officer I, MFR, I am also a Juvenile Firesetters Intervention Specialist II and currently work with problem Fire Setters (Juveniles)
About Me:
I joined the fire service to help others to return the favor they did for me. My daughter stopped breathing in the middle of the night and they responded, she was not breathing upon there arrival and they brought her back. She was later diagnosed with Non Hodgkins she is now 24 and doing great !!! Hoooorah Firefighters
Day Job:
Auto Body Shop General Manager 23 stores in West Michigan
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help others in my community, they helped me, I just wanted to return the favor
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The reward of helping others in need
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Budget issues in every community, they wont mess with us though, how can politicians put a price on ones life ??

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 6:18pm on March 18, 2011, Jake Stoffer said…
I lost contact too, lol. Anyways, pro board would be good for Michigan. Unfortunately I'm not sure if its retroactive. But who knows. If not, I can challenge the pro board test here. Believe it or not, in order to take the test, you are required to have has mat ops cert no older than a year, plus a live structure burn cert. Easier reciprocity would be great though. Stay safe this spring, it may be an odd one. Even with all our flooding, we are still having decent brush fires over here
At 7:14am on February 26, 2011, Steve Wonegeshik said…
I'm keeping busy with being the Administrative Asst. for GTB Fire. Alot of work to do to reorganize. I'm in it for the duration, they ain't gettin rid of me! Yeah, lets catch up some time, get a hold of me either here or at work
At 8:52pm on February 23, 2010, Jake Stoffer said…
I just noticed your post on the Michigan firefighters group. I am currently a firefighter in Pennsylvania, but formerly a Michigan firefighter. I have encountered one major problem when coming to Pennsylvania. Since the certifications michigan issues are not accredited by a national agency, such as Pro Board, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will not issue me a reciprocity certificate. They recognize my training and I am allowed to operate on scene and keep my line officer position, however, when the state asks how many people we have firefighter I certified, my cert doesn't count. Also, its been years since I have been familiar with the current michigan training requirements, but as an idea, in PA we have an Essentials training program. Taught out of the same essentials book, it covers the first 4 modules and is about 88 hours in length. Most firefighters have this type of training in my department. Currently, I am the only one that has firefighter I training, that does also include our chief. I dont know if michigan has something similar now, but that would be a good idea to help get some new volunteers and get them on the ground running. I would keep the firefighter I requirement for any line officer and require FFI be completed before year 5. Anyways, its an idea for you from what I have seen from other states.
At 2:14am on February 18, 2008, Coretta said…
thank you! Always a pleasure to meet others in this field. talk to you later - stay safe
At 2:15am on February 15, 2008, Jim aka Bick said…
At 11:56pm on February 14, 2008, John said…
Thanks and you have been added
At 12:52pm on February 14, 2008, Amanda Coleman said…
Hay this site is great. I am going to tell my entire dept. thanks chat any time.
At 8:24am on February 14, 2008, Randy ( Coconut) Agruda said…
What a great way to get to know other brothers & sisters that have the same thing in common.. I look forward to meeting others and chatting

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