Mike Kimmel
  • Male
  • Bryant, IN
  • United States
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Mike Kimmel's Friends

  • Justin Floridia
  • Victor Pikari
  • Jessica J Joiner
  • Kathy Kephart
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

Mike Kimmel's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bryant Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Manufacturing Engineer - Welding / Robotics
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At 2:33am on July 12, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches. Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.uа
At 7:48am on May 20, 2011, Victor Pikari said…
Kia Ora Bro, thanks for your message, great to hear from you. The story so far:

Christchurch is still having after shocks, in total over six thousand since the quake hit in February, can you beleive that 6,000. There is nothing more to shake down, most of the buildings in the CBD have nothing left to give. Its now demolition teams who are now in the CBD. ITs what is been refer as the red zone (heart of the city)is still inlock down mode, unless you have the right paper work and pass, you wont get through the cordon. Its basicly a ghost town with over 900 buildings to be pulled down in the CBD - red zone. Thats a lot of buildings and dont expect the public back in there until next year at the earliest. The big question for the recovery and rebuilding, where do you start. NZ doesnot have the skill base or capacity to have this massive job completed by the end of this year but rather its about being patient and wait and see. The projection is that it will take anything between 12 to 15 years to have the city back up and running, with buldings that will be able to with stand the quakes that shattered a lot of the buildings in the CBD. Most if not all the buildings that collapsed were built in the last century of brink and mortar - in short most of the heritage buildings are now gone.................. there will be big gaps in the city landscape. I was very humble to have worked along side USAR boys and girls from all over the world, including a team from states CA-TF2. I spent six weeks in the red zone from searching to recovery. I have been back at work, three weeks today, and on that note, its midnight my time, and I off to bed, as always bro be safe out there. If ur thinking of coming down this way, there is always a bunk here for ya....
At 9:44pm on May 19, 2011, Victor Pikari said…
Kia Ora(hi) and welcome to FF nation hood.I have recently joined and have found loads of information and sharing and forums to be had. I hope you have a great time here too:)
At 4:11pm on May 16, 2011, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Mike, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon

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