  • Female
  • Winnsboro, Texas
  • United States
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  • Acampora
  • Allen Jordan
  • BillySFCVFD
  • emt6346
  • Cam B
  • R3BE7
  • Just Plain Craig Moyer
  • Cody Craft
  • Lizzie~Lu
  • Andy Francis
  • KATE
  • Bruce Bump
  • Denelle
  • Steffi
  • Giuseppe Lo Dico


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Coke-Pleasant Grove VFD
Years With Department/Agency
3 yrs
My Training:
Coke-Pleasant Grove VFD, Wood County Fire School Quitman, TX, ECA TEEX Fire School College Station
About Me:
I consider myself very new to the Volunteer Fire Dept. scene even though I have officially been with the dept. a little over two years, I have been going to all meetings for over two and half years. My job is in a different town so I don't get to make a lot of calls and when I am home, if it is a night call, I can't go because we have a son that I can't leave in the middle of the night. I love firefighting, but I love my children, so I have to make a call there which will I do. Luckily, my husband goes to the night calls.
Day Job:
Benefits Specialist Andrews Center
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined my community volunteer unit because of my husband and because I wanted to help the people around me and be a part of something bigger than myself.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to help my community and not to mention I get to play with water and hoses and ride in the truck.....

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Comment Wall (24 comments)

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At 4:04am on December 2, 2008, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Hi from Santa Barbara! Cool to hear that both you and your husband serve your community. Please stay safe and be careful. If I can help you and your husband out with anything, don't hesitate to drop me a line.

TCSS, Mike Schlags, Fire Captain / Santa Barbara County Fire Department

Recent Tea Fire above Santa Barbara and Montecito, CA (Photo taken offshore on Stearns Wharf. 220 homes were lost in some of the most exclusive parts of the county. 1000 students at Westmont College were forced to shelter in place inside the gymnasium. It was not until the next day when they were told that it was safe to come out that they discovered much of their campuses older structures burned to the ground, including dormitories. Three people including one LAFD Fire Captain sustained major burns during the incident.
At 2:06pm on October 13, 2008, rescue_991 said…
nice to meet u dear...
At 9:48pm on October 11, 2008, BillySFCVFD said…
Wow, two husband and wife VVF teams. Gotta love it. My wife is a supporter but not a VFF. Billy, TCSS and nice to meet you.
At 12:11pm on October 11, 2008, BillySFCVFD said…
Hello Malinda,

It's good to know about my nearby VFFs. I know Joe and Brenda thru this site. Mutual aid is what the bro/sishood is all about. Billy, TCSS
At 12:59am on October 11, 2008, Lizzie~Lu said…
Hey Malinda,

How's it going for you? You've been kinda quiet on the boards, and I just wanted to stop in and make sure you were Ok,,

At 9:03am on September 15, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
I understand what you say. I for one have a LOT I would like to say.... If only we knew how near the end was. Take care and God bless
At 1:56pm on September 14, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
So glad to hear that you and your family are ok. God answers prayers. Take care & God bless.
Chapl Gerta C, SA
At 8:58pm on September 1, 2008, brenda caldwell said…
just stoped by to say hi.
At 12:29am on August 26, 2008, Lizzie~Lu said…
Thank you, Malinda!!! Right back at ya!!!
At 12:28am on August 26, 2008, Lizzie~Lu said…
Thank you, Malinda!!! Right back at ya!!!

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