  • Female
  • Conroe, TX
  • United States
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  • mike johnson
  • Willi Goolsbey
  • Jeff Dodd
  • Sean Coutorie
  • Steffey
  • Nenad
  • Mark Fuqua
  • Sam Ritch
  • Randy Sutton
  • Medmike
  • Travis
  • Michael Meadows
  • Guille Gavilan
  • Acampora

Karina's Page

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What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
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Years in Fire/EMS:
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no where
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
My Training:
Loss Prevention Detective/ Interrogations
About Me:
I'm passionate on what I do.
Day Job:
LP Detective
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Fire/EMS are heroes
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Because they risk themselves in order to save others.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Only they know

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At 4:51pm on June 25, 2013, Tom Hetherington said…

God bless America and Texas, Love your photos. All the very best from down under.

At 2:12pm on July 10, 2012, Karina said…

Im not online a lot,just check email from my phone... i work a lot and do extra things for my job in my free time..ugh..  i miss Krav Maga classes,such a good work out!  Im sorry my friends if i dont reply instantly....i refuse to have facebook or twitter and share my private and confidential life or be in others'  business... thats meee!!!

Wishing u all a great week and enjoy the summer!!

warm hugs.....(because they r coming from texas hehe)


At 2:18pm on August 24, 2011, Karina said…
chris jones and afd hugssss!!!
At 3:38am on August 19, 2011, AFD said…
Thank You for replying back even if it has been two years
i respect that in good friends stay safe out thier in the field and all your pretty pics have good taste i approve :)
your a blessing Hugs Anthony
At 2:06pm on August 1, 2011, Karina said…
Sweet 16...
This weekend I assisted to a sweet 16 celebration of an old friend's daughter.. I had an excellent time and got home full fill of inner thoughts and happiness. The Bday girl chose green and black as colors for the party so everything was green and black!! My friend and her husband work really hard and I could noticed how still they keep connected with their daughters(3). It was a very traditional celebration,the dance with Dad...the last toy given from Dad to daughter which is a doll..and the music so emotional.. It was really nice and enjoyable see a dad dancing with their daughters..then some more dads went to the dance floor to dance with their daughters and there were kids everywhere...little girls swirling in their green dresses and even more little ones picking at the green cake with their fingers.. Mothers dancing with their babies in arms and oh well... i was just admiring the whole picture...
Thanks to those parents that keep the good communication with their kids and let them be kids. I have to mention that i saw only few using their phones..the rest were just having fun and laughing and dancing and taking pictures and screaming and it was just great to see that.
Parents be close to ur kids...they don't stay forever with u..enjoy them.

At 7:34pm on July 18, 2011, Karina said…
Hi Chris Jones....
U too have moderated messages in ur wall...
I was really inspired writing u a message then zas...not room for me...
Anyway...nice pics..and keep the good job..
At 9:36pm on July 12, 2011, Karina said…
Hi Rudy, Im doing pretty well ,but today it was a boring day... ugh..
At 1:28pm on July 12, 2011, Jeff Dodd said…
Yes mam...lol Now where did I put that camera....Gotta find it before Karina yells at me again...lol. Then i have to figure out how to put them on here...so much to learn..lol
At 9:18am on July 12, 2011, Jeff Dodd said…
Hi Karina,

Yes it's true, Your'e my first..lol Thanks for adding me. Love your pics.
Yesterday we had what I thought was going to be a little grass fire that took a house and 832 acres. Guess the wind and 103 temp did more than expected...lol
Again, thanks for adding an old man to your friends list..
At 11:59pm on July 6, 2011, Karina said…
Sean, im sorry about the lost in the truck accident, it does look terrible...
About ur other coment.. hahahaha no, im not a cop..im in Loss Prevention,i catch ppl and employees that make the wrong decision of steal from the company. I could never be in nothing related with medicine either...my first job was dental assistant and i fainted in my first extraction...ugh....

At 11:54pm on July 6, 2011, Karina said…
Hi Ron,
I tried to leave u a message in ur wall but u too has limited space....ugh.... after all of I wrote.. well.. anyways..
I was saying..I enjoyed ur pictures listening to the King! best match for those burnming hot pictures of urs! The one that impressed me was the ladder...it made me dizzy! idk how u guys go all the way up there..
And the pic with more feeling was the one where 3 firefighter were walking towards the wildfire...ugh..i can feel that pic... great job..
Keep the awesomeness guys!!! Stay Cool Ron..

At 7:28pm on July 6, 2011, Michael Meadows said…
Thanks Karina I appreciate the remarks and I do try to take good pics of our apparatus. I will approve the remarks as soon as the site will let me LOL. Have a good day and try to stay cool in hot Texas LOL.
At 4:13pm on July 6, 2011, Sean Coutorie said…
WOW!!! gorgeous lady!!!
At 12:52am on July 6, 2011, Karina said…
Hi Michael,i tried to leave a message in ur wall but u have limited messages.....Anyway..i was saying that ur units r pretty neat and out of the ordinary,white and yellow.... I like the sorroundings if ur station,i cant wait for u to take a pic in summer time..must be beautiful!!!
Stay cool Michael Meadows....

At 2:53am on July 4, 2011, Karina said…
Happy and safe 4th of July America !!

At 1:46pm on July 3, 2011, Karina said…
Hi Chan!!! Thanks and u too!! Fireworks r prohibited in south Texas this year,it rained twice in 6 months!! ugh...
Anyway the show Freedom over Texas is a tradition that Texans dont wanna miss,so they r gonna hose all downtown around and stll do to official firework show.... Everyone is gonna be there,i will see if i find a spot and enjoy it too. Nice to hear from u after long time!! Stay cool...Hugs...K

At 10:01am on July 3, 2011, Chan Rivera said…
Hello Kanina u have a grant 4th my friend be safe Chan from NY.
At 10:16pm on June 28, 2011, Mark Fuqua said…
Hey Karina, Thanks for having me as a friend.Hope you have a good week."STAY SAFE AND KEEP IN TOUCH"
At 10:18am on December 7, 2010, Sergio Cardenas said…
waw. que linda eres. hola soy bombero de monclova mexico, y bueno me encontre con tus fotos, espero me agreguea como tu amigo. saludos,
At 5:38pm on April 19, 2010, Randy Sutton said…
I see your home town, I sold them a truck last year what a kick in the butt department

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