WRFD 784
  • Male
  • Weiser, ID
  • United States
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WRFD 784's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer, Captain, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Weiser Rural Fire Department Weiser, Idaho
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Payette Fire Department for 6 years. 3 years as a Firefighter and 3 years as the junior firefighter. I started going down to the station with my grandpa and uncle when I was in 6th grade and learned how to run all the trucks.
My Training:
FFT 2 (structure) FFT1 (Wildland) Engine Company, Ladder Company, Officer Classes, RIT Team, Hazmat Awarness and Ops., First Responder Arson Investigator, NIMS (700,100,200), Extrication Technician Cert.
About Me:
I recently was appointed one of or stations asst. training officer and am enjoying it so far. My wife had our little boy on the 4th of May. We named him Wyatt Nathan. He is doing great.
Day Job:
Boiler Operator
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am the 3rd generation in my family.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I like to give back to my community
I was just promoted as Captain in my department. This is what I have been working towards for about two years and all the hard work has finally paid off. I still have alot of work ahead of me to be better at what I do.

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Comment Wall (36 comments)

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At 7:33am on July 6, 2011, Andrew said…
trade patches.

Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.uа
At 6:59pm on June 7, 2011, Kent said…

I am interested in trading patches with you. I would like to do a 2 for 2 trade. Send me an email at kentheg@yahoo.com if you are interested. Thanks
At 7:56pm on December 23, 2009, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey mate i have just started collecting patches and i only have 3 patches and was wondering if you would be able to send me 1 of your department patches for my collection and i have a department shirt that i would like to trade with you im size xxl what size are you when you have sent me the patch and the shirt i will send back to you the t-shirt that i have promissede you .

r elliott
658 princes highway
russell vale nsw 2517

stay safe over christmas
At 1:07pm on September 14, 2009, Melinda Horn said…
I'm back in TX again. I've been here a little over 2 weeks now & we've had a lot of rain in the past couple of days so they are shutting the office down. I'll be flying home tomorrow. I hate that I didn't get my month in. It's costing me about $3000. Oh well, maybe we'll have a hurricane. Isn't that terrible of me to say? I don't wish anything bad on anyone, I just would like to get out one more time before the season is over.
Good to hear from you.
Take care,
At 12:46am on August 16, 2009, Brittany Thomas Sparks said…
hey my name is britt feel free to add me if you like me and my husband are exspecting our little girl in Nov god bless and stay safe
At 1:27am on August 12, 2009, Melinda Horn said…
Were the fires all structure fires or brush fires also? That's a lot of fires in a short period of time. We had 7 stucture fires in a 72 hr. period a couple of years ago. It was right at Christmas also, that made it really bad because people lost all the presents that were under the trees for the kids. I got a lot of stuff donated from the Freecycle group. They have been wonderful.
At 1:23am on August 12, 2009, Melinda Horn said…
We have had a lot of fires in South TX. We have one right now that is in Brooks county SW of Kingville that is 1310 acres. The dozers are trying to get a line around it. They will be working all night I'm sure. I'm on day 26 of a 30 day detail. I'm getting tired, but I'll be home Monday so I can get some rest. I get 48 hrs of R&R then I can go back out again.
Be safe,
At 7:55am on August 11, 2009, Melinda Horn said…
Great pics! Congrats on the promotion.
I've been in TX on & off since Feb. They are really dry so they have had a lot of wildfires.
Take care,
At 10:29pm on July 18, 2009, Brad said…
I should be able to go i wiil talk with the wife.
At 7:12pm on July 17, 2009, Chris Larson said…
i was wondering abourt the kids comp what was involved i also wear a med. i am placing an order soon aso ill get one for you

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