Heather B
  • Female
  • Acworth, GA
  • United States
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Never in the service ..... Im just a TRUE lifetime supporter.. Read my story and you'll know why.
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Im not...But all of my family are in the biz... Thank you everyone for the kindest of welcomes. You guys have a true friend in me and I have a true love for what you do. Im not a fire fighter nor am I in the service at any level, however, I was raised by the breed. I have 3 uncles, 1 cousin and many many friends from birth till now that are fire fighters. I was running barefoot in a station at the age of 6, and at the age of 6 is when my first crush happened on a fire fighter. He was the guy who could put a penny in the gum ball machine and turn it half way, shake the machine and all the gum would just fall right out... I guess you can say it was love at first gumming...Also while in elementary school a fire station served as my day care as it were my Uncles station less than 200 yards from my school so everyday thats where I'd have to go until my parents could come get me. From then on it became a second home and all the fire guys my second family. Its where I get my sarcastic feisty yet often time bitchy self too. Being around that many hose jockeys in a life time can rub off on ya...LOL. But none-the less I wanted to make sure you all knew Im not a 9/11 monger or regular station groupie. My passion for you all is genuine and it has history. So there ya have it a lil insight on why a chic with no fire fighter skills has invaded your site.... I hope none of you mind....Not that it would matter Im here to stay.... There's that feisty side I was speaking of. You guys all should know . You guys were my hero's long before 9/11 and before America thought it was cool to be on board. I keep in my heart the 343 but I never forget the countless others before and after that day......Peace and Love to the masses...Heather B

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At 8:27am on October 27, 2010, Rocko said…
WOW! Nice pics! ; )
At 2:28pm on April 24, 2009, R Knott said…
How you doing ?????
At 4:53pm on March 29, 2009, Brian said…
i love the tat ....that is very hot
At 8:51pm on March 27, 2009, MITCH SIKES said…
At 2:00am on March 14, 2009, Arthur T. Kline said…
nice tattoo.
At 10:32am on March 6, 2009, N.Y fire fighter Lt. #503 said…
Hello, it all starts with some kind of family member that was or is a fire fighter ! It must be in are blood , and of course we live breath fire fighting !. I never had a family member in the field .Just a very good mentor that got me into it. He was the fire department priest . And Now my son i think will be one ,He my Jr. Fire pride .And joy !!! It's too bad your not in the services ,we could use more fire fighter women . Be safe ,and thank you for your support . Lt. Chris
At 8:16pm on March 5, 2009, Allen Howard said…
Thank you very much for the howdy!! I needed it.
At 6:45pm on March 5, 2009, AFD said…
i respect a woman with style and class
have a good day and God Bless Ya :)
thank you for your brief life story :)
Welcome 2 FFN :)
At 6:15pm on March 5, 2009, R Knott said…
Whatz up ,Heather ,,....
At 5:56pm on February 26, 2009, Tony said…
Thanks for the great comments and the trip down memory lane. You're more than welcome to stay, "it's not like you were leaving anyway" dang you're already rubbing off on me....

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