• Male
  • San Juan, PR
  • United States
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  • Meagan
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  • Nick Coutsouvanos
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  • Glyne Alleyne
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  • melissa morgan
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  • Tasha Vaught

GIO's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Battalion Chief / Division Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Haz-Mat Technician,
Technical Rescue Technician,
FEMA-Planning Team Manager,
US&R-Logistics Team Manager,
US&R-Haz-Mat Team Manager,
US&R-Medical Specialist,
US&R-Search Team Manager,
US&R-Rescue Team Manager,
Planning Section Chief,
Rescue Diver,
Confined Space Rescue Technician,
PADI-OWD Instructor
About Me:
Largest Department in the South-Eastern USA. Protecting life, property and the environment in a service area of 2000 square miles. Providing a full complement of services that includes; firefighting, Emergency Medical Services with ALS engines and ALS transport rescues, Air Rescue using 4 Bell 412 helicopters, Haz-Mat team, technical rescue team, MERT- Motorcycle Emergency Response Team, Marine Operations using a 50', 36' fireboat & 28' rapid response marine craft, Anti-Venom team with fully stocked and maintained anti-venin bank, Largest water rescue program in the US, Lifeguards, Plans review, new construction inspections, annual life safety inspection, fire cause & origin investigations, US&R operations as a Federal (FEMA), State and local asset, Cadet program (Explorers), High School Firefighting magnet program. This is accomplished with the support of 2100 sworn Firefighters and 556 civilian personnel.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
While living in the Virgin Islands, my family, friends and I faced many natural disasters and emergencies. There was virtually no government sponsored emergency services to speak of. The only help for those of us that lived and those that visit, were the volunteer services. I grew up being a part of those services, JrREACT, Civil Defense, St. Thomas Rescue Inc., VISAR, etc. Service to my community shaped what I am now.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Feeling of Community Service
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Short-term memory. The short term memory of politicians and bean counters. Immediately post 911 the fire service was fully funded to perform the duties expected of them. As time has pasted and memories fade, the funding is getting harder to come by, yet the duties and responsibilities continue to mount. The initial training requirement to meet these mandates places a severe financial burden on most departments. If that were all necessary, it would be a hurdle that can be surmounted with some creativity. However the recurrent training required to maintain CEU's and to prevent those very perishable skills from getting dull, add a near unsurmountable burden.

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At 4:48pm on October 29, 2008, Glyne Alleyne said…
GIO warmest greetings from Barbados, pleae drop by my profile page when you have sometime.
At 10:43pm on August 11, 2008, Nick Coutsouvanos said…
Hey "Crash" whats going on bro? How's work?
At 11:39am on May 2, 2008, Wendy Jo said…
Kisses back at ya!!! See you soon! :)
At 1:20pm on April 10, 2008, Lou Romig MD said…
Hey Gio! I've just joined the community here. Good to see you!

At 6:12pm on April 5, 2008, Wendy Jo said…
At 11:08am on March 30, 2008, Debra Huddleston said…
Hey , How are you ? Things are fine here . Just been raining a lot . So we got flooding glad i live on top of the hill. take care and stay safe
At 6:52pm on March 29, 2008, Nick Coutsouvanos said…
Hey Gio, Jenna told me she ran into you at the fire off Miami Gardens in NMB. We need to catch up some time and throw down a few. Keep in touch Big Chief!
At 4:40pm on February 27, 2008, AVI LAP said…
As part of the life saver community you are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, volunteers & supporters.
Avi Lap
At 10:27am on February 18, 2008, Mary Love said…
Hey dude havent heard from you in a while, hope things are going well for you....
At 6:38am on February 5, 2008, Shelby said…
hey things are real good..way busy too..well hope everything goes good with that...tal to you soon...


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