For Firefighters, EMT's, and First Responders in NW Pennsylvania. Especially in the counties of Erie, Crawford, Venango, Mercer, Warren, Forrest, and ButlerSee More
Firefighter I, EMT-B, Haz-Mat awareness, Haz-Mat Ops, Emerg. driving, Swift water rescue, confined space rescue, vehicle extrication, NIMS/ICS 100 &200, wildland firefighting S130&s190, Community Safety Educator, Terrorism Awareness, and others
Day Job:
EMT for local ambulance service
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have a lot of my family members involved in police and fire
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Jake, OMG sorry I lost contact with this website, Michigan is looking seriously at reciprocity and Pro Board, its gonna take some time but we are workign towards that. Hope our well my brother, be safe and have a safe Winter !! Happy Holidays
Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
Greetings from Mexico