Nicholas Longnecker
  • 41, Male
  • Cologne, New Jersey
  • United States
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Welcome to N E C K E R 's ™ Page:

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since 2000 officially but I grew up around Ocean City Rescue Squad... earned my first set of stitches there!
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Cologne Fire Company Station 18-5
Years With Department/Agency
Joined 2-2010
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Paid Somers Point EMS for M.A.E.S. & Hammonton Rescue Squad, Paid Atlantic City EMS for Exceptional Medical Transportation, Paid Linwood EMS for AtlantiCare, NJ Department of Environmental Protection Parks and Forestry Division Firefighter C-19.
My Training:
NJEMT-B, Atlantic County Fire Academy Graduate: NJFF I, NJFF II, AHA Health Care Provider, SOUTHSTAR Ground Support, Various FEMA ICS certs, Extrication Tech, Haz/Mat Tech level cert, Advanced Fire Attack.
About Me:
I started out on Somers Point Vol.Rescue in 2000, then I got into the fire service when I joined Longport Vol. Fire-Rescue in 2004, then in 2005 I joined E.H.T.F.D. Station 15-2 #1 Bargaintown Vol. Fire Co., In August of 2006 I was hired by The NJFFS Division C-6, Engine C-19. January of 2008 I joined SPFD station 1 until I moved in June of 2010. Now I am a part of Cologne Fire Company Station 18-5 and still an EMT for Hammonton Res9cue Squad at their Somers Point EMS Div.
Day Job:
Hammonton Res9cue Squad
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father has been in EMS since he was 18 and has been a paramedic since 1983, My Grandfather (my moms dad) was one of the founders of Ocean City Vol. First Aid Squad, He Retired from the Ocean City Police Department 32 years of service, My Uncle is a Sergeant for Somers Point Police Department, My mother was a 911 communicator and a lifeguard for many years, basically I grew up around the public service sector.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people! (cliché as it may be)
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety so...


Your Firefighter Nation for Firefighting EMS and Rescue Box

NECKER, AKA: Sparky, AKA: Nicholas Paul Longnecker AKA: FF/EMT NECKER F453


1RWN.COM Dispatcher ID=NJ9

"Cogito Ergo Sum"-Descartes, "Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done." - George W. Bush 9-20-2001, "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation"-Plato, "You touch a hot pan & seconds can seem like hours, but you touch a hot woman & hours can seem like seconds"-Unknown, "So Others May Live"-The Guardian, "Braithre Thar Gach Ni"-Something a lot of people i know forgot... I'm 5'5" ~195 lbs I go to the gym when I can. I have short dirty blond hair, blue eyes, & stocky build. I don't like my food to be hot I like it warm, I speak my mind & allot of people get mad @ me because of it (in the words of my father I have an "alligator mouth"), I know it 'ALL', & I always try to keep myself one step ahead of yesterday. I volunteer as a Firefighter/EMT for Somers Point Fire/Res4cue Sta1. I used to work as an EMT for Mutual Aid Emergency Services now I work for Hammonton Res9cue Squad as a full time FF/EMT-B for there newly acquired SPEMS Operations. Most of the time my EMS career seems more like a glorified taxi driving job? EMS Earn Money Sleeping, but when we do work we get the shitty end of the stick literally, we call it "Code Brown"! The pay sucks, could be way better since we live in the most densely populated state in the union, not to mention the cost of living is outrageous & the new 7% sales tax god I love New Jersey… I think I love being an EMT so much because I like helping people & its fun. Some of the classes I have taken include: FFI, FFII, Advanced Fire Attack, & The Flashover Simulator. I hope to someday get on a Paid Department(Ventnor City, Pleasantville, or Atlantic City, or any other department for that matter). I'm a New Jersey Forest Firefighter "Fight Fire with Fire". My Favorite Beer's are Budweiser Select, Budweiser, Landshark, & Coors Lite. I like to go hang out at one of my spots Charlie's, JR's, The Pearl, The Duck Town Tavern, Chelsea Pub, Wonder Bar, Maloneys Uptown, Testas, Guilianos, Carolines, & Gregorys, just to name a few not in any particular order. I like to go out to nice restaurants especially Carmines, Gourmet, & Ruth's Chris Steakhouse just to name a few. I like to go to the TROP for some gambling. I enjoy a cigar once in a while I like ACID's by: DREW ESTATE {}, aside from the occasional cigar I'm a non-smoker. I Love My Chevys & yes I am a Jeff Gordon fan so talk all the shit you want... ShOuTz, Da CrEw: Jay, RomeR, Krystal My Wifie, Cait My Secret LOver (Shh Don't tell Krystal!), Adam, Ralph, Kevin, Brian, Katie, Artie, Eric "Jonsey", John B, The rest of the CrEw at SPFD Station 1, Chipper, Jon, Luis, Hipple, Matt, Sal, Mike, Rob (Bobby), "D", BobbyD, VIJAY, Nate, Shaun, Jake, to those whom I missed oops!! LoL... TAKE CARE & BE SAFE!

My AIM is FFEMTNECKER and My E-Mail is


Somers Point Vol. Fire/Res4cue Online!

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Posted on August 6, 2007 at 11:30pm 0 Comments

People are bent out of shape about bird flu, but CA-MRSA is here, second only to HIV as a public health threat

this is a must Read about MRSA something EMT's & Medic's come in contact with everyday.


Posted on August 6, 2007 at 9:00pm 0 Comments

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile

They said had run the light

That caused the six-car pileup

On 109 that night.

When broken bodies lay about

"And blood was everywhere,"

"The sirens screamed out eulogies,"

For death was in the air.

"A mother, trapped inside her car,"

Was heard above the noise;

Her plaintive plea near split the air:

"Oh, God, please spare my boys!"

She fought to loose her pinned hands;

"She struggled to…



Posted on August 6, 2007 at 8:52pm 0 Comments

The driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain, as you fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, "It took you forever to get here!"

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At 10:28pm on August 6, 2007, Nicholas Longnecker said…
1RWN is the best. NJ239
At 8:31pm on August 6, 2007, Adam said…
im with bnn. lol

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