Nolen Cothren
  • Male
  • Vidalia, LA
  • United States
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  • William Russell Bishop Sr
  • Bulldozer
  • Jim Wells
  • Tristem Murphree
  • Wesley King
  • Kenny France

Nolen Cothren's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department, Training Officer, Firefighter, First Responder, Fire Buff / Fire Enthusiast
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Concordia Fire Protection District # 2
Years With Department/Agency
17 1/2
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I was assistant Chief with the Ridgecrest Volunteer Fire Department when I was hired here in 1991.
My Training:
About Me:
I am 53 years old and have worked as a paid chief for the last 17 years. I am married for my second time to a wonderful woman who is also a member of our department. Her 18 year old son is a member now and I hope he stays involved and can make a career out of it. I have a 2008 Goldwing and love to ride everywhere. Have just completed a new shop behind home and love doing woodworking as a hobby. I also love to travel and see our great country.
Day Job:
This is my day job and wouldn't have it any other way!
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
We had 3 houses burn when I was growing up and I wanted to try and help people who had a home burn. In 1991 I was hired as Chief of a new fire district and have really built this one from scratch with the help of a lot of dedicated volunteers.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love people and it makes me feel good to know I can make a difference.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Staying up to date with all the new information coming out and having enough time to volunteer. Dealing with the public and trying to meet their expectations is also a pain.

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 12:35am on November 10, 2009, Jim Wells said…
Haven't had much of a chance to visit the Nation lately, but enjoy it when I do. So much knowledge and fellowship being shared. Hope Wayne is keeping everyone happy with training in your house.
See your still tinkering around with things with engines. Hope to have my old Triumph back together before the New Year. (My oldest decided it needed a paint job and stripped it to the metal.) He may regret it, as I decided it's going to be Purple and Gold this time.
Stay safe, and catch you later. Jim
At 9:17am on March 2, 2009, Bulldozer said…
hey brother for the invite yea i wood like to talk some time be safe and God bless
At 7:38pm on February 26, 2009, John Bierling said…
Hello Chief, Welcome to The Nation. Thank you for all you do, I'm a retired Fire Chief and I understand your challenges. Please have a look at my profile, I'd like to correspond with you off site. When you have a moment please send me an email. Thanks, John
At 7:38pm on February 25, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Chief, I'll take you word for it on the critters.
At 7:33pm on February 25, 2009, Filiberto Rodriguez said…

Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning important the Border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
Greetings from Mexico.
you’re new friend Filiberto.

At 6:31pm on February 25, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Nice Ride!
At 4:46pm on February 25, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Chief, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere and get your feet wet. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around. Now thats a Gator!

Chief William Sharp
Southern Oregon Coast

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