Dale Barker
  • 58, Male
  • Edwards, NY
  • United States
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Dale Barker's Friends

  • Capt. (retired) Sparky Witham
  • Tim McConnell
  • Richard Burton Anson
  • Michael Meadows
  • Phil Towne
  • Tom Wheland
  • tammy little
  • AL Ursich
  • Jay Moore
  • Gary
  • Teri Rose/Firegirl
  • John M. Scheibel
  • Robert Wentzel
  • Genja


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
25 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
24 years
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Gouverneur Fire Dept
Gouverneur Rescue Squad
Seaway Valley Ambulance
My Training:
Organizing for Rural Fire Attack in 1991
Initial Fire Attack in 1992 (NYS certified course)
Firefighting Essential Course in 1992, 1996 (NYS certified course)
Pump Operations in 1992, 1998 (NYS certified course)
Firefighter Safety and Survival in 1993 (NYS certified course)
Preparing for Command in 1993 (NYS certified course)
Mask Confidence in 1993 (Lewis County Certificate)
Fire Reporting Workshop in 1993 (NYS certified course)
Cause and Origin Determination in 1993 (NYS certified course)
Emergency Medical Technician in 1994, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2007 (NYS certified course)
Hazard Materials First Responder Operations in 1995 (NYS certified course)
CPR, Farm-medic in 1996, 1998
Incident Command in 1997 (NYS certified course)
Structural Firefighting Seminar in 1997
Bus Rescue in 1998(NYS certified course)
Coaching The Emergency Vehicle Operator (CEVO) in 1999
Command School
Arson Awareness (fire investigations) (NYS certified course)
Flashover Survival Training in 1998
Fire Behavior and Arson Awareness in 1999 (NYS certified course)
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting in 2000 (NYS certified course)
Bio-Terrorism: Medical Fact or Media Fiction in 2001
Emergency Medical Services Seminar and Workshop, Montour Falls March 2002
Incident Command System Courses 100, 100 HC, 200, 215, 300, 400, 700, and 800
FEMA courses IS - 1, IS - 3, IS - 5, IS - 7, IS - 120.A, IS - 139
Hazardous Materials Operations and Decontamination Courses in 2008
Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program 4/09/09
First Receivers Decontamination Course (OFPC)
Medical Response and Preparedness to Bombing Incidents - TEEX
Professional Development Series - IS-139, 230, 235, 240, 241, 242 and 244
Bus Rescue
About Me:
I train personnel in operation of fire-fighting equipment, I used to be involved in the fire prevention at the Edwards-Knox School and was lead organizer of 3 Mass Casualty Incident drills at the Edwards-Knox School District with the last one being conducted in Sept. 08'.

I am the current fire chief for Edwards.
Day Job:
Director of Emergency Preparedness
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Of the community I get to serve and the brotherhood and the friends I have earned the respect of across the globe.

FASNY Update

SAFER: Every Volunteer Department Has a Role

We have been very busy since being awarded our Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant a few months ago. Through the efforts of the SAFER staff and the Recruitment and Retention Committee, we have implemented our first round of the tuition reimbursement program (FASNY HELP), done numerous  presentations and started the preparatory work for our statewide media campaign. As word continues to spread, so does the level of participation towards our goal of recruiting 16,000 new volunteer firefighters in the next four years.

Even though the application period for the first round of tuition reimbursement has passed, it is not too soon to encourage your members to participate during the spring,  2012 semester. They can go to www.fasny.com to obtain a program handbook, which includes all necessary forms to apply. Yet, despite all we have accomplished, there is much more to do and we need your help to get it done.

The programs supported by the SAFER grant are all designed to create minimal additional administrative work on local departments. But there is a part you must play for us to meet our statewide and individual goals. All in all, local fire departments will only be asked to do four simple things. First, is to maintain National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliance. Second, is to stay up-to-date with National Fire Incident Report System (NFIRS) filings. Third, is to participate in an annual NYS Fire Service Census each June. And, lastly, file an updated Fire Department Information Form with the FASNY Volunteer Programs Office.

In some respects, the single most important part of the SAFER grant is the proper handling of new recruit referrals received by the FASNY Volunteer Programs Office. For us to achieve this goal, we need the assistance of each local volunteer department. Towards this end, we have placed a downloadable Fire Department Information Form on the FASNY website. Each local department needs to fill out this form and fax or email it back to us. This simple form will enable us to have all the contact information relating to your department’s new membership point of contact. If your department doesn’t already have one, we are also asking each department to set up a separate email address, such as recruitment@XYZfiredepartment.com, to receive membership requests and questions.

As described in the SAFER grant application, each “Fire Department Recruitment Coordinator” is really just a new term for your membership chairman, the chief responsible for recruitment or any person who handles new members. When we implement our web-based referral system in mid-2012, it is mission critical to have a local department point of contact pre-loaded in the system. This will enable us to “grab” that recruit right away while his or her interest is peaked. While we all know that recruiting new members is always a challenge, this automatic referral system will be an invaluable tool if we build it as it is designed. This may seem like a tremendous effort but if the leadership of each department gets these forms back in a timely fashion we can hit the ground running in 2012. Forms can be faxed to (518) 694-3137 or emailed to HELP@fasny.com.

FASNY staff is working every day to make this SAFER grant successful and improve the volunteer fire service. Now it’s your turn – get your Fire Department Information Form in today!


Feel Free to contact me in the Northern Regions of NYS for questions: dbarker@fasny.com


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Dale Barker's Blog

Inside or Out

Posted on January 12, 2009 at 11:30am 2 Comments

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At 4:08pm on May 19, 2011, Jason Fuller said…
Hey Old man :-)
At 12:31pm on January 19, 2011, Tim McConnell said…
Dale, do you know of any clearing house for firefighters gear or equipment that companies who have can find companies who need it?
At 12:28pm on January 19, 2011, Tim McConnell said…
I wish I could say that I was responsible. Chief Kenney and the rest of the department made it happen. In fact, I am a new firefighter. At 59 I am told that I may be the oldest guy to get through FF1 training here in Monroe County.
At 7:07pm on October 16, 2010, Jason Fuller said…
Had alot of fun and learned alot about what SLC has to offer for HAZMAT and other services Thankd for the Invite and look forward to seeing some of the photos.

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