Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I work for Hillsborough County Fire Rescue which covers the unincorporated urban, suburban, and rural areas around Tampa Fl. We cover more that 930 sq miles with 42 stations, 800 uniformed career firefighters (about 500 are paramedics) and about 150 volunteer firefighters. All front line career equipment, engines, ladders and 25 transport rescue units are ALS.The Training Division consists of a Training Chief and 6 full-time staff training officers. Wealso use nearly 60 adjunct faculty to augment our training staff.
My Training:
Florida State firefighter,Paramedic, Fire Officer,Smoke Diver, AS Degree Fire Science,Fire Instructor, NIMS, NFA, Blue Card Command Instructor.
About Me:
Started in 1975, worked several busy stations and promoted through Driver/Engineer and Captain, then promoted to Battalion Chief in 1991. Promoted to Division Chief in 2002 and worked as Volunteer Services Division Chief, Personnel Division Chief and now occupy the Training Division Chief Position.
Chip, Welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.
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Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon