Andy Entwistle
  • South Schodack, NY
  • United States
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Andy Entwistle's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Schodack, NY
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Stratmoor Hills, CO, VFD - 1986-1989
FASNY member
My Training:
National Cert. FF2, National Cert. FO1, National Cert. FSI
About Me:
Retired Army officer, 22 years
Day Job:
Public Affairs Officer, US Army Recruiting, Albany, NY
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Making a difference
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Recruiting and retention in volunteer departments

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At 4:09pm on May 5, 2009, lutan1 said…
Thanks Andy- the write up was an interesting read, but obviously doesn't give the full feel of what the video is about. It's a shame that it appears to have been pulled from the web...
At 10:05pm on January 7, 2009, Joe Stoltz said…
Hey Andy, thanks in advance for the add. I sent you a request, let me know if you don't get it. I did see your question but I haven't had time to formulate a proper response. We'll get 'er done one of these days.

Take care, stay safe.

At 10:39am on December 5, 2008, Jim Brunelle Jr. said…
Thanks bro!
At 6:01pm on November 8, 2008, Jim Brunelle Jr. said…
Hey that does suck,wish I had known as well.Did you go out Sat night? I stayed in.
At 3:13pm on September 29, 2008, Chris Hixson said…
I was on for a little over two years Sep 88 to Dec 90. (I had to check my records.)

I see some familiar faces, but I'm terrible with names. The guy in back with the hat was the chief's son wasn't he? The guy next to him was a paramedic. I think the guy in the middle row, right side was a lieutenant while I was on. Front row with the hat was the assistant chief and the guy in the white shorts was the chief. You'll have to refresh my memory as far as names go. I do remeber Troy Rotramel.

I have a couple of pics that I'll try to get up on my page.

As far as my career... I was in the Air Force Reserve at Pete when I joined SHVFD. I joined the Lubbock Fire Department in December of 1990, and moved to Texas. I've been here since. I am now a Captain on a truck company. It's a little slower than being on an engine, but it has it's perks.
At 12:32am on September 27, 2008, Chris Hixson said…
Hey Andy, I was at Stratmoor from 87-89. Do you remember me?
At 12:57pm on September 24, 2008, Mary Ellen Shea said…
now THAT was some funny stuff. Thanks for the link. :)
At 5:54pm on September 20, 2008, Mary Ellen Shea said…
thanks Andy, but I missed the brush fire (#%^$) I was at the FASNY office.
At 8:34am on August 26, 2008, Chan Rivera said…
u know david quinn
At 8:33am on August 26, 2008, Chan Rivera said…
am so happy that u are a FASNY member am on the membership committee.

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