Jeff Betz

, Male

Adrian Michigan

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Training Officer, Lieutenant, EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
29 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Adrian Fire Department 208 S Main St Adrian MI
Years With Department/Agency
18 yrs
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Retired member of Madison Twp FD in Adrian. It is where I started a long time ago.
My Training:
FF 1 & 2, EMT-S, HM OPS, Tech rescue, trench, bldg collapse, rope 1 & 2, Michigan fire training instructor, my gosh - lots of other stuff
About Me:
My dad was a FF, and the 5 of us brothers all have been or are still FF's. I love it, POC at Madison was great, but full time has been better yet. When I get down, I remind myself of the not-so-great jobs I used to have.
Day Job:
Fire Instructor
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I grew up around it, it was just what I have always wanted to do
Why I Love Fire/EMS
trying to do my best on someone's worst day
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safe and smart operations. That means: good and worthy officers, leadership, training, smart and safe FF's, enough staffing no matter how you get it, settle for nothing less.

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  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Thanks for your comments...we should chat more often, we think alike as it applies to firefighter safety. I can always use another mentor.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    You remembered the shrubbery, you forgot the path (a path, a path!!)
  • Shawn

    Hey thanks for the greeting. I will retire with 20yrs sometime around late 2009 to mid 2010...depends on the beauraucracy!
  • mike

  • Mary Ellen Shea

    so, not to pour salt in the wound or anything....but Spamalot ROCKED. I'm not a huge fan of Broadway musicals...some of them are ok...but not anything I would go out of my way for---THIS....was incredible.
    I laughed non-stop for two hours.
    The French knights scene is worth the price of admission alone~'ll love it!!!
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    Glad to hear that. I know that it will be a compelling seminar. Mark is very passionate about it.
    Lately, I have been very humbled in that I am getting requests for permission to print out the interview. I have had instructors wanting it as a part of their class. I think that's great. The message IS getting out. And I know Mark likes that.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hola Jeff,
    Well heaven only knows where this new adventure is going to lead me, but I have a feeling it won't be boring. I'm looking forward to having something to channel all my energies and passions into (something other than being the sarcastic witch that I normally am).
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hey Jeff....That's a program I would like to see.
    I'm sort of online....I'm also half watching American's official, I've sunk about as low as you can go.
    We're going after Billy G. for a 2009 FASNY presentation---I think I could cheerfully retire with no regrets if we pulled that off. Of course, I'd need to win the lottery while I was at it, but it's good to have dreams.
    YOU be safe-
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    that's what I've heard about him. I keep just missing his presentations in the NY area. I'll catch him live one of these days.
  • Katreena

    ACTUALLY...Brian Willcox told me to sign up..sooo... I signed up at work yesterday during the day... Just not exactly sure how to use it yet? lol ..although i should... i'm on the freakin computer almost all day! haha. Take care, and I will try NOT to freeze sunday....
  • Terry

    Jeff just wanted to say hi to another mi ff take care and stay safe
  • firemedic27

    Thank's Bro hope to see you there!
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hi Jeff,
    I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger, just wanted to pop in and say hi.
    Loving the STP's one of my favorites.
  • Jim

    Hey Jeff, just looking through some of the profiles when I stumbled on yours. I grew up in Hillsdale, MI. My parents still live there. I love that area.
  • Jim

    I certainly will stop by next time I head down that way. I be sure to let you know when I'm going down next.
  • Marie

    thanks! it is VERY good to hear that good news!!!! i am so active a person i would be CRUSHED if i wasnt able to be my old athletic outdoorsey self again!!!
  • Lee Sampson

    thanks man u stay safe out there
  • Kerry Keith

    Hey Jeff hows it goin? Here's a pretty Cool LAFD Ventilation video a buddy sent me, kick ass music on it

  • Mary Ellen Shea

    I'm bummed I missed my shot at seeing them locally--hoping they go back out on tour later this summer--
    I've been playing their latest CD a ton--it's a GREAT collection--
    Highlights of the show?
  • Engineco913

    LOL thats funny. I do talk with you on occasion and yet you are one of the few who aren't on my friends list :) if it isn't broke, don't fix it lol
  • Stelzer III

    I got the photo from Detroit Auto Show this year, thought it added a nice touch... Stay safe.
  • chad grimes

    just had a quick question, how do you upload photos
  • chad grimes

    ya my computer was being stupid. thanks can't wait untill saturday.
  • Doug

    Rock on bro!
  • T.J.

    thanks bro:)
  • Blakfire40

    Thanks for the visit and I'll be in touch...
  • CFD218

    Thanks for the welcome, stay safe!
  • Roy Walker

    Thanks for the welcome Jeff, I have a couple of friends in Windsor fire /rescue who shared a lot of good stories about Detroit members. I used to travel Michigan a lot, beautiful country. Good to hear from you, keep safe.
  • CW

    Hey Detriot B-ball how r those Piston's lookin????
  • Ryan

    Hey, I hope you guys aren't fighting too many fires while I'm gone! I don't want to be missing any engine ot tower assists! Anyhow, how have you been?
  • B.Nadeau

    nice to meet you too! be safe and look forward to hearing from you
  • Katreena

    Hey! haven't seen you around in a while, how are things going??

    myspace comments
    EMS / EMT MySpace Comments
  • Trish

    Just wanted to say hi.....Hope you have a Great day and Be safe always

  • Katreena

    No, she isn't little anymore.. she is in kindergarten this year! crazy how time flies!! but i will stop in sometime, miss that place ;) take care! and ---MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  • 81fyrman

    HI Brother. just wanted to say HI and MERRY CHRISTMAS
  • CW

    Hey Jeff, How about those ATL Hawks, Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • David Martinez

    Jeff, I was wondering if you could email me that once and future leaders power point... I tried saving it off the post you left in training ideas but it loads empty. I love the others.
  • Shaun 73-16

    Ya Iam doing great, right now Iam half way though Brats EMT class. Should start clinicals soon. Just keep in busy with class and work. How has things been goin for you?
    Shaun Delete Comment
  • David Martinez

  • Josh

    Hey jeff thanks for the add. how are things going at 71? take care and be safe
  • CW

    Hey Just checkin with You & those Det. Piston's!!!! I do believe they finish the 1st half, right behind those lousy Hawks (Ha!)
  • Don Hughes

    Thanks, Jeff
  • Timothy Sendelbach

    Good Afternoon, Jeff:

    Many thanks for the welcoming comments. Unfortunately, I'm a little late in getting involved in the events here on FirefighterNation, but hope to catch up with the group in short order.

    My apologies for the FDIC link, but that one's out of my control. I know PennWell has been advertising it in their catalog, but I'm not aware of any other links that might be available (I actually don't have a copy myself).

    Anyway, many thanks for your interest - let me know if I can help in any way.

    Take care and stay safe brother!!!

    FireRescue Magazine
  • chad grimes

    Hey Jeff hows everything goin, just wanted to let you know you get to work with me next week.
  • Kevin Clark

    Glad to be aboard brother. Take care and stay safe also.
  • 81fyrman

    Hey brother... whats new.
    Not much new here. havent done alot lately. nice artistic pic !!
    Take care, be safe and tell family I said hi.
  • Stephany Greene

    thank you for the link.
  • Jaclyn Supianoski

    Thanks for the comment
  • Natalya Cavazos

    Hey Lt. Betz I like this site and your music a lot.
  • Teresa Weidemann

    Thanks for the welcome Jeff.