
45, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Da 'Ville
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Former U.S. Air Force firefighter, stationed in Goldsboro, NC at Seymour Johnson AFB Fire Department!!! Former 911 dispatcher.
My Training:
Many; Fire fighter II, Fire Officer I, Hazmat ops, Aircraft/Airport Fire Fighter, ARFF vehicle driver/operator, Engine/Pumper driver/operator, EVOC, EMT-B, Fire investigation, 911 Dispatch, EMD Dispatch.

But, can you do the job!?!
Day Job:
I make stuff, stuff you and millions of others use. Yes, my craftsmanship reaches that many people.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I am the modern day knight. I protect my castle, my community.

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  • Chris Weber

    How in the hell did you ever get hooked up with a girl from here?This is like BFE to the rest of the world.Who was it if you don't mind me asking?
  • Chris Weber

    I know some Glovers who used to live down the road a mile or so away from me.That was a LONG TIME ago though.Gonna have to think about this one for a while.
  • DUST

    I like your taste in music...stay safe.