Robin Inman


Anchorage, AK

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
AMST Anchorage, Alaska
Years With Department/Agency
Alaska Medical Support Team - 2 years
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
EMT - Basic
About Me:
I'm currently an EMT 1 (or Basic) and will be going to class for my EMT 2 in the spring.
Day Job:
Recreation Program Supervisor at the University of Alaska Anchorage
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I work for the University of Alaska Anchorge at our Sports Complex and after having a gentleman have a stroke in our sauna and almost die, then a couple of months later I had a lady who had a heart attack in our pool. I'm also the manager of my son's competition hockey team and I seen some pretty nasty cuts, broken bones and I decided I wanted more training. After I got my EMT certification I joined a volunteer emt group that handle most High School athletic events, moto cross events and special olympic events so that I could keep practicing what I had learned and they do lots training so I'll be ready when it's time to recert.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I want to help others in crisis situations
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Health and Personal Safety issues and shrinking municipal and state budgets to adequately compensate Fire Fighter and EMS personnel.

Comment Wall:

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  • Alfredo Tobon

    Gracias robin por la biemvenida.

    I have good wishes 4 you and your daughter, yeah life is nice with some entangelement
  • Rob Tudisco

    Thanks Robin and you too.
  • RetCGGirl

    Hi Robin,
    Thanks for the welcome. Have a great day and stay safe
  • Fire Duck

    Thanks and keep safe
  • Noggy

    Dia duit Robin agus conas a tá tu? Well it's certainly been a while since we last chatted but I have my reasons (not making excuses or anything!!!) Since our last comments, I've been blessed with the birth of my gorgeous son, I've married my girlfirend of three years, had our honeymoon and wasn't back in country 2 days when we had 7 days of non stop ferrying water due to a burst water mains - Oh what Joy! Apart from that, I'm just back from a Hot Fire Training Course which I loved. So any news with you in Alaska since?
  • Shane Pearson

    Thanks Robin, this seems like a really great site full of great folks. Thanks for welcoming me abord.
  • Wendy Stetler

    Thanks for the welcome. It seems like a great place. Thanks for adding me too. Talk to you soon.
  • Dave, NB 9

    Hey, Thanks
  • John

    Hi Robin, Thanks for welcoming me to firefighter nation. I am looking forward to meeting with brother/sister fireman. Stay Safe.... John
  • Javier Martinez

    Thank you Robin! I will try.
  • michael wilson

    Thank you very much. You stay safe and may God bless you for your work.
  • daniele

    this site is real great
    thankyou for welcome
  • Kevin

    hiya thx for the welcome
    hope you're ok chat soon x
  • Oldman

    Hello from the warmer climes. That story was just too funny. I'm still laughing. It kinda follows my why worry, it can always be worse.
  • Jonathan

    Thanks Robin I had to laugh to couldn't resist poor guy have a good one be safe

    hello robin thanks for the welcome .my English is very bad if I do not understand. thanks apology for the welcome. read you work for the american heart.i studying the PHTLS.I am a volunteer fire department in argentina
  • Raynald M. Custodio

    thanks for inviting me to be your friend i hpoe we can be close friend
    take care always and god bless and to your family
  • Scott Busenbark

    Thanks for the friend request Robin. Can't imagine doing this work up there. Stay safe yourself.
  • CaptOFD

    Thanks for the friend request also. Stay Warm!
  • Mike Williamson

    Thanks mate, you too. =-)
  • Jennifer King

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Wagon22

    Robin, Thank you. Stay safe and warm up there...
  • philipp

    hey alaska boy!!! .-) how are you! The webside is very cool! Thanks for your comment!
  • Christian

    Thank you!
  • Jay

    Hey thanks for the add! Stay safe!
  • marc gillespie

    Thanks for the add/ Lt. Gillespie
  • Heather

    Hello thanks for the request look forward chatting with u.
  • Bryan Jackson

    Well its good to be here.
  • Jenelle

    add me
  • Jenelle

    Alaska? You like the cold? I am not too fond of the cold at all...hello from va....Dido on staying safe.....
  • Mick Mayers

    Thnaks for the comment. Hope all is well in AK and that your Christmas tree experience was a peaceful one (mine has had some interesting turns in the past). Stay safe (and warm!).
  • tito

    I invite you to join the group Firefighters Argentinos and participate in the discussions Chau! a big hug
  • tito

    Here a terrible heat near the 40º but with the agrabante that there are 90% humidity, a deadly cocktail. Join the group and share experiences with us, not only are Argentine, is a meeting place between comrades Chau a big hug!
  • Mark Montgomery

    Hi Robin

    Thanks for the add. How is your winter going? We are nearly into the middle of our summer wildland fire season here.


    Hey Robin, Right now I'm in Colorado because I had Denver Bronco tickets, but back in Phoenix, AZ it is 85 to 92 during the day and 50's to 60's at night. (Nice huh)? Have a GREAT CHRISTMAS and a very SAFE New Year Robin!!!!!
  • Jonathan Spencer

    Hi Robin, It wanted in these so special days, to give the thanks for all it received, to build a place where can be with all my family and friends, those of fence and the from a distance. The ones that have accompanied me always and the of now. Those that I see each day and the ones that seldom Find. The ones that have accompanied me in the difficult moments, and the of the happy hours. Those to whom I know deeply, and those to whom I know barely by their appearances. To the ones that without wanting I wounded and the ones that without wanting they wounded me. The ones that owe me and those to whom I owe them a lot. The same old they recalled, and the ones that at times are forgot me. You want to recall to all the ones that passed through my life and to desire them some happy festivals, that can find the peace that need and to enjoy the love of their families and of those that love them. That the Hope, The Love and the Peace Flourish for all You…

  • Luis Garcia

    hi are you..............thanks for the comment.....................your friend arthur.....visit my
  • SHB1207

    Thanks for the Add! Train Hard and Stay Safe. Hello from Clarence Center, NY (near Buffalo) Check out We have a specialty in ice rescue although I bet you don't thaw and freeze as much as we do, down to 18 tonight from 56 the last two days and lots of chances for problems from flooding!
  • Rabee

    hi haw are you
    thnk you to be frends
    be seaf
  • Rabee

    thank you
  • Joey Paul

    LOL my mom flys with th cap in seward !!!!!!! stay warm
  • Eric Glover

    Thank you
  • Lucian

    Thank you, :)
  • Angela K Sjogren

    Hi Robin thanks for the add. Geez im thinking its cold here in Kansas don't know if i could handle the Alaskin weather. :) Hope you hav a great night
  • Jarrod Reed

    Thank you! and Be safe in alaska! I was up there a few years ago in kodiak! It such a nice view up there!!
  • Geoff

    G'day Robin!
  • Patrick

    Thanks heaps Robin for the add

    xx Patrick
  • Charlene Stethers

    Thanks. You as well.
  • Mike Woodman

    It sounds like you live an interesting life. What's it like living in and being the fire/ems service?