
32, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
a little over 2years for ems and a couple of months in fire
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Nothing at very moment
Years With Department/Agency
clearly none yet
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I used to be apart of Orange Countys rescue squad. And I am now in the process of joining fire/rescue with Zion Cross Roads.:)
My Training:
EMT-B and now I have my FF1.
About Me:
I am an 18 year old senior in high school. I am in the US AIRFORCE. I am am signed to be Special police in the AF, I am to ship off for boot camp July 13 next year. I love to help people, ride roller coasters, read, go to the club, and sleep. I am 5"3', a blonde with green eyes, I'm training in order to be fit and ready for boot camp.
Day Job:
High School...
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Desire to help others! I plan on spending the rest of my life in careers that are based on helping others by way of the medical field, and EMS was just a class that I figured would help me get into the college of my choice. I never planned in falling in love with it, but I'm glad I did.......and throught the EMS class I found the FireFighting class that I am now in......
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to really truely help people, and I've made so many friends in this field....
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Not enough experience from my point of view, and not enough bed side manner.

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  • Ryan Blank

    it really started i just wanted to be a ff, but got the emt-b to further help people, and the community i live in. how about you?
  • Darrin E Green

    Thank you Jenelle STAY SAFE!!!!
  • Matthew Voges

    Thanks for the add Jenelle. Hit me up any time. Stay safe.