
63, Male

Turner, Maine

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid, Emergency Management
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief, Firefighter, EMT - Basic, Emergency Management Coordinator/Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
29 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
29 years
My Training:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Parents started the rescue service in my home town and my father was the Fire Chief for a number of years.

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  • John Kriska

    Back at you from Missouri
  • Heather Kuzma

    i don't think so and thanks it is a nice truck!
  • firefighter739

    thanks for joining the group. stay safe out there
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Welcome to the Nation!! Go Sox!!!
  • O'Kitty

    Hi, Thanks for the comment. Take care of yourself! :-)
  • limerick

    yup its cold up here about neg.6 this morning

    i used to be on mechanic falls fire thats where my year was.
  • Holly

    hey there ross glad you made it add me as a friend and stay safe out there
  • tamara

    hi neighbor, thanks for the safe wishes.
  • Ann Marie Leona

    Hello, nice to meet you. Good to see someone else from Maine. Stay safe.
  • Marissa

    hey there thanks i hope thats a good thing that she looks like me
  • Joel Swanson

    Thanks from ALL Members & Families of Kelley Fire & Rescue!
    Take Care Ross!
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey are ya this fine cold as hell day? lol I'm at work and it's super busy as we have several waves of snow/sleet hittin us. Thank goodness I'm off in the am! lol Hope ur good. Be safe out there and chat atcha later.
  • Lyn

    Thank you sweetie...that really made me feel better. I have such guilty conscious some times, especially when I am down physically like this, not quite use to it.Pushing it,, certainly not, cant, getting "surprise" visits from the stations to make sure I am doing what I am suppose to be doing,lol. The guys are really great and I appreciate them so much. I do thank you for your concern dear, truly, your a blessing.
    My two partners that got hurt also, are recovering well. I got to speak with them this morning and they both up and walking now which made me cry happy tears.That alone makes me feel better.
    Again, thank you dear for your comment. Now if I could find something to do while sitting around,I'ld feel like I was accomplishing something,lol. Hope this finds you and your loved ones well and safe. Have a great evening! Please be safe as I do care.
  • heather

    thank you and same to you!
  • Holly

    hey Ross good to see you hope you have a good weekend and I'll see you on monday morning. take care and may the angels watch over you *hugs*.
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Thanks Ross.
    Got the funeral over and now got to move on, their hurting a lot, it will be a long road ahead but have had excellent support from Fire/EMS/Law Enforcement world.
    Take Care Ross!

    hey ross, thanks for comment, been quiet around here, hmmmmm, the calm before the storm? be safe out there and keep in touch

    This truck is pretty awesome. Especially since it replaced a 1972 gas burning reincarnated Coca Cola delivery truck that carried 1500 gallons of water and wouldn't go over 5mph uphill. It's a 2006 International 4wd turbo deisel with 1000 pump and 1800 water. We call it our "FEMA Truck" since it was purchased with long begged for FIRE ACT grant money. Yes, it's first out on a lot of stuff...
  • Becky

    thx and hello from minnesota!!!!
  • Ann Marie Leona

    Hey there, had a busy friday up here but the rest of the week end was pretty quiet. I had hazmat oper. refresher all day sat. fun fun lol. Stay safe and we'll talk again soon.
  • Holly

    Hey ross just a note to say hello thanks for being there and thank you for being my friend may the angels always watch over you, stay safe and see ya at the station ;-)

    You Are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, Volunteers & supporters.
    Avi Lap
  • Robyn

    hi back from indiana :) stay safe yourself :)
  • Bruce Ouellette

    Hi there Ross Every thing is quiet here in Lewiston since i had to retire. Boy do I miss IT already!!!!!!!!
    Stay Safe out there,
  • Brittany Thomas Sparks

    feel free to add me as a friend if you like stay safe and may god bless
  • Heather Kuzma

    hey how are you doing? hows things with you?
  • Heather Kuzma

    not much and thank you!
  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hey chief, thanks for the comment.. I love serving my community and it's a good feeling to know your helping people in their time of need.. Have a great weekend!!
  • Lyn

    yes, actually I am ,,,thank you!,,, we all are actually, now we have a bet going on, on who is going to go back to work first,lol. Bad news though, I have to go back to surgery next Tuesday, weren't able to fix my left knee like they expected , so they going to rebuild it again **pouts**. But, my left shoulder now working, so that is a positive,lol. But, my orthopedic qaureentees me to walk...and be able to get back to work, so I just need to calm down, and deal with the healing,lol,,, hard to do sometimes. But I tell you,, just knowing my guys will be ok,, is enough for me in all reality.
    how are you doing? How is work treating you?I do hope all is ok with you and your loved ones sweetie. Please be safe, and thnk you again for the message you sent. Have a great day, P.S. dont forget to set your clocks an hour ahead!
  • Derick Fedders

    Hi Ross thanks for the comment. Hope all is well up in Maine. A bit wet down here just hoping the water stays in the river. Be safe. D
  • Marie

    hello, i'm doin much better now thanks! movin around at almost full speed thanks to the knee brace :)

    Even doin well enough to escape town for the weekend!!

  • krissie2228

    Hello. Things in Carmel are going alright. How are things out your way?
  • Melissa

    Hello from wallingford. Things here are good. Stay safe.
  • Nichole

    thanks, stay safe and warm up there.
  • wmason

    welcome to fire fighter nation . am bill am a past chief with the east greenbush fire.hope to here from ya
  • Karen Young

    Thanks Ross......and You be safe out there also........hope you have a good weekend. Later From Arkansas
  • Mary Holland

    Welcome new friend! You stay safe too! Thanks for the comment
  • Melissa

    i have lived in vt my whole life. So i guess as ppl would say its my evil twin or my good twin which ever way you want to put it.
  • Lyn

    hey dear, no,, not back at hospital. Was bed bound. After the 11th sugery ( the third one now since the callaps of the building on us).. i thought i was doing good. It kept swelling too much, so much it brough more pain then i could bare. I was bed bound keeping it elevated, and just had the sutures for the knee removed yesterday, and it bursted open like it was never sutured in the first place.. as blood just poured out, grrrrrrrrr. I was told if the swelling continues byt he 24th, they will have to go back in n redo it ,,, after they drain it. Seems like I could be having an allergy to the new joint replacement... I doubt it tho, as it only swells anytime I use it or have it below my heart. Then my shoulder surgery finally getting better,,, thank goodness. Basically put, im sneeking around on the putor while I can,, though I know I shouldnt be up, how long can one stay in the bed, u know?lol.
    So how are your sutures doing? How is your knee now? has it gotton any better since last week?How long are you goin to be off duty, do you know? btw,, what happened hun?
  • Sara Macomber

    Hello from New Hampshire! I can't imagine things are all that much different here, we're still snow covered and beginning to be muddy! LOL My department has been fairly quiet recently, although we do go in spurts.
  • Lyn

    hey dear....
    yes, things 100% better. I was put on light duty ( as if that exsists,lol) after driving my dr totally nutts. It was the stupid inside sutures I was havin pros with, so, they got removed, it all got re sutured etc,, and well, here I am, back to work. Naturally, the guys at the station are tryin to take all my fun, but I can see their point at this moment, afraid being so early, I may not be able to handle my own weight, but, I am back to work, something I missed so so badly.
    JUst pulled 72 hour shift ( divided by fire house and rescue and ems)and have just today left for catching up on rest, then back to it I go tomorrow with another 72 hour shift. (again, all between fire, rescue and ems,,, not all one station).
    My captain went and gone crazy on us,, he retired, grrrrrr,lol... Left me up for it, so now (ceremony was last week) I am captain at the fire dept, 1st LT at the EMS station and 2nd LT at rescue, shoo, I am gettin lost as to who I am n what I am suppose to do now,lol.... But my captain retiring early also had to do with one of the guys in FFN,,, long story, but funny,, will have to tell you one day.... anyways,, this guy who started it all, has his coming, real real soon,lol. I don't forget,lol....Naturally he thinks its funny, as I have been avoiding it for years, so it finally dropped in my lap,lol.
    SO dear, do tell me, how have you been? and your healing? Do please be safe out there, as I do care...**hugs**
  • Heather Kuzma

    hey whats up and how are things with you?
  • Heather Kuzma

    yea i hear ya and yea things are good wiht me and around here to
  • Lyn

    Stopping in to say "Happy Memorial Day" dear. I don't get the whole weekend off, naturally, at work atm...BUT, I do get Sunday and Monday off. Haven't heard from you in awhile, so thought I would stop in and check to see if your well...How have you been lately? Do take care Hun,,,,and have an awesome weekend. Be safe dear...thats an order *winks*.lol.
  • Lyn

    **Yes Sir, Your Orders were followed as commanded**(giggles)
    Guess that will teach me for trying to give orders to a Assist. Chief,lol. I had to try anyways, looks like it backfired on me eh?lol.
    I did indeed have a safe and enjoyable Memorial day weekend. Spent some time with my guys after duty on Sunday (24 hr. shift on Saturday), we went to Atlanta, then turned around and went to somewhere in Kentucky ( yes, we purposely got lost, all 44 of us,lol), and stopped by the battlegrounds and cemeteries to give our thanks to those who has passed on, for our freedom. We even went on motorcycles, and that was an adventure all by itself, I walked like I had been horse back riding for a week,lol.
    On Monday I went to Fort Campbell to honor the Military.So here I go, back to work, warn out to the bones,lol. How did your Holiday weekend go dear? Are you well? Are you back to work today?
    Thank you for the message as well, it did brighten my day. Please be safe out there as you and your men stand strong and help those in need of your services and your strength. Have a great and SAFE week hun. Ummm, I'ld say that was an order, but I think I am missing just a few more strips for that (giggles), so I will say,Pwease?lol....May the angels be looking out for you and your men as you do for everyone else.
  • FireCat

    Hi Ross,

    I hope you have a great and SAFE weekend!!

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    Hi Ross,

    I hope today finds you doing well. I'm glad you liked my page. I look forward to future communications.

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

  • Melissa

    Thanks im doing great. Stay safe
  • Melissa

    Thanks im doing great. Stay safe