Brittany Thomas Sparks

34, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
I was raised around the fire and rescue services my whole life and have benn going on emergancy runs with my dad since befoere I could walk or talk. Now I am a volunteer firefighter
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hyden Leslie fire and rexcue
Years With Department/Agency
I have been going to traing since I was old enough to understand and have been envolved for five years but this depatment I have been with four years.
My Training:
basic fire fighter hazmat training drivers training, communications training basic, first responders training, farm and wild land
About Me:
I have been around the fire and rescue service since I was big enough to walk. I went to car wrecks and house fires every time my dad went so I guess as I got older naturally thats what i wanted to do . I have been to going to diffrent trainings since I was was big enough to under stand I but I have allways been a part in some way I have Been With Hyden Leslie fire and Rescue for four years now I jus tune 21 in Dec, I have a little girl who is 16 months old Her name is Emileah Nicole and she is my whole world I know I will have to step back from firefighting for a little while but thats ok becuase nothing is more important then my baby girl but guys beware I will be back
Day Job:
receptionest for Mary Breckenridge home health
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My dad was a firefighter - Emt and I allways wanted to follow in his foot steps I guess it just came to me natural I am a third generation fire fighter. Plus I love doing things for people and not exspecting any thing back in return. and I love the feeling of just helping someone in need out.

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knowing at the end of every day I gave all I had to offer
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people and not exspecting nothing back in return, Knowing I did something to help some one out
Top Issues Facing Responders:
not enough man power.
people not just how risky our jobs really are. Driveing down the road wether it be in rescue vehicles or our on personal vehicles with proper lighting snd sirenes and people being to ignorant to let you by them.

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  • Judy

    Thank you for the welcome Brittany, feel free to add me as well... stay safe!
  • Paresh Trivedi

    Thanks for Add...You have great family. God Bless you! Jay Ho!
  • Ryan James Johnsrud

    Cool videos!