Rescue Diva Stephi

, Female

Saint Peters, Missouri

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
12 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
St. Charles County Ambulance District, Missouri
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Abbott Ambulance, MO 4 years

St. Johns Mercy Medical Center, MO 2 years
My Training:
My training started many a year ago when in high school and had to always fix up my guy friends who either fell down drunk (yea, that smarts) or decided they were the toughest guy around (yea, even smarts more when you arn't). For years did what made everyone else happy and finally said f*ck all that, it's time for me. I've never been happier and now make great money (which is really good when you love to shop!! lol ) I've never loved a job so much and the rewards are just something that really make me glad to be doing what I'm doing. I've only been in the business for 12 years but they truely have been the most 12 rewarding years of my life. I thank GOD above for giving me the strength to do it and my family for putting up with my crazy ass schedule.
About Me:
Brown hair, brown eyed girl who is fun, hard working, likes to be with her friends but also loves her down time. At times can have a bit of a temper but it comes from my "mutt" mixing (German, Irish, Cherokee and Dutch) so try not to piss me off! I love my kids, they are soooo amazing and make life easier to smile at on rough days. Love my big dog Dweezil and my great dane Scooby (what's not to love about a 100+ pound black lab and a dane who's gonna grow to 240lbs!). Hate to fight, love to love. Don't play mind games and don't play with people who do. Great friend to have, horrible enemy to have. Very much into upfront people.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To do what I do others. I mean if you can't fix stupid then you can at least help "it" get I've always been the girl who took care of others so why not get paid for it right? And where else can I see men in uniform everyday??.....I'm a sucker for it!! ;-)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The close bonds shared within the EMS's like having a whole extra family without the nagging mother-in-law!! lol
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I work for an amazing district who pays us well and our benefits rock but I see so many others who are NOT paid for what they are worth and I know this isn't about money but for those FF's and medics who go out there day in and day out, they deserve the pay for the lives and homes/businesses they save everyday!!!

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  • Michael

    Not much here getting ready to box tonight in the box off for guns and hoses. Thanks ahead of time for SCCAD for manning our engine house during our time of lose.
  • Tim

    Hi Stephi...

    How are ya doing..ya I hear ya. Im working 1 ft and 2 pt sucks sometimes to schedule all this shit...I guess I just like toys and child support takes its toll...been kinda slow here but thats normal for the lake in winter...end of May will be the start of the season of stupidity! PWC and big racing boats and ETOH...lots of carnage!! WAAHOOO!! Will be diving for the bodies....and limbs
  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Rescure Diva Stephi. I have been so busy over here. It was nice to hear from you. I just opened my mail today. Hope all is well with you