
San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
United States Department OF Defence San Diego CA
Years With Department/Agency
25 yrs +
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
My PAST Dept ...... US Forest Service 8 Years :o)
My Training:
California State,DOD Federal Fire F/F 1 & 2 Haz-Mat EMS EMTDC Driver Ops and USFS Wildland Firefighter Hot Shot Class IR yrs 79 thru 1982. At The End of 1982 Transfered to USFS Engine Companys Thru 1986 then 12 of 1986 to Now Presently i am with (DOD) The Department of Defence Federal Fire Department ... :)
About Me:
i have choosen to be more into my Faith
which helps me in my life.
I enjoy time with my kids (4)
divorce 4 yrs now.

I view the fire service clear and differently now,while
i attend to emergencys giving aid to the public
i am happy because i dont have that empty feeling anymore.
for years i have been just a normal guy- firefighter
now i feel alive :o)
as a firefighter driver
I am Thankful.
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Lord :)
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
helping others :D :) :o)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
When my F/F's family says Happy Birthday to me. Mine is Dec 13th
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The Lack of Respect within the Fire Service.(SOP'S)
Firefighters Relationship's On or Off Duty
Firefighters Lives thier Conduct,Faith,Behavior and Ect.

Comment Wall:

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  • Jennifer

    I hope you do to!!
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Thanks for the add :-) !! Please stay safe and stay in contact I appreciate your devotion to our "calling " in life not many of us
    have that kind of stick to it dedication thank you for all that you
    do for your fellow human beings ! Thanks for the compliment!
    Hope to hear from you soon , stay safe my friend , my brother.
    Dawn Melody Bladel
  • Ida

    Thanks for the add!
  • Angela

    Thank you. Have a good weekend.
  • Shirley

    Thanks! Ellie is 9 months old and being trained in water recovery.
  • Chel

    Thanks for the add....stay safe.
  • Seth

    Thanks for the welcome brother! yall take care out there
  • Michele

    Yeah, my Dad called it Civil Service, not sure just what the difference is between that and DOD.
    Seems like lots of people have ties to CDF. Then again, if you're the largest fire department in the nation, that would be a natural thing.
    My husband flew into San Jose today and said he could see the smoke from Yosemite. Ca sure has had a crazy year for fires!
  • Katarina

    i like the spelling with the y alot more my mom calls me katarina and my dad calls me katie an my friends call me rina and almost ever one shortins it down to kat =) but most of the time people call me katrina and i hate that name now ..i was one letter away from being a hurricane !!
  • FirefightingMama

    Hey my name is Angelina
  • Jenelle

    Wow.......That was a really awesome comment! Thank you very much.....:D
  • Jenelle

    Thanks.....I've been in one but not while it was flying.....
  • Ashleigh

    Thank you very much for your encouragement!! You stay safe too!
  • Erin T.

    Praise the lord. I will thank you.
    Be safe and pray for me too.
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Sorry that I haven't been able to respomd to your comments recently ,I have been keeping a very hectic schedule-moving, working and in training WOW !!! I need the 3day weekend vacation coming up on Labor Day next weekend. I am catering and hosting a BBQ this weekend for some friends house warming party type of thing. Well guess I 'll go Stay safe my friend and tell Erin that I said thanks for the "add" I enjoy communicating with all of my e-pals and its great to add him to my list too! :-)!! I hope that I 'll hear from the two of you again soon. Smiles,!!, Dawn "Angel" Bladel
  • anne potter

    Yea still a nurse I work out to samartain .. 1300 poins I don't know for sure how I did that or what I get ,but How are you doing.....
  • anne potter

    warm today up to 89 out muggy.. working right now play time for me.. play and get paid at the same Heading to the state fair on Sunday
  • FireCat

  • Karen Lee FitzPatrick

    Hello there:

    thanks for stopping by. Be sure to check up on me at : and read the book about me Angel Promises.--Karen Lee and friends
  • Karen Lee FitzPatrick


    Hi Anthony:

    Hi..that's ok. this Memorial site was done at the suggestion of the International Bible Society who publish the "last Call" Firefighter's bible. They may be putting something about Karen in the future publications. I didn't realize how interactive the site was at first. Many oeople want to be friends, and I chat back. If you notice on the picture slide show, I am there, and I say I am "the voice of Karen." Some see it, some don't It's okay. I answer back, Karen Lee and friends, and everybody has a little fun with it. I am doing just fine, as I am a born again Christ like Karen was, and the Lord is truly my rick and has refreshed and healed me. Dealing with the light sentence give to IC Ellreese Daniesl August 20th in Spokane Federal Court was not so easy, but it's the world we live in, unfortunately.
    The Thirtymile Fire is destined to become a movie, and some talks and negotiations have been in the early stages. John Maclean and I will stay in the middke of it as writers and consultans whomever the actual movie company turns out to be.--Kathie FitzPatrick, Thirtymile Parent, Mother of Karen Lee.
    > Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 17:57:14 +0000
    > From:
    > To:
    > Subject: AFD has sent you a message on Firefighter Nation - Firefighter Rescue and EMS Social Network...To reply to this message, please follow the link after the message, do not reply to this message.
  • Karen Lee FitzPatrick


    Hi Anthony:

    Hi..that's ok. this Memorial site was done at the suggestion of the International Bible Society who publish the "last Call" Firefighter's bible. They may be putting something about Karen in the future publications. I didn't realize how interactive the site was at first. Many oeople want to be friends, and I chat back. If you notice on the picture slide show, I am there, and I say I am "the voice of Karen." Some see it, some don't It's okay. I answer back, Karen Lee and friends, and everybody has a little fun with it. I am doing just fine, as I am a born again Christ like Karen was, and the Lord is truly my rick and has refreshed and healed me. Dealing with the light sentence give to IC Ellreese Daniesl August 20th in Spokane Federal Court was not so easy, but it's the world we live in, unfortunately.
    The Thirtymile Fire is destined to become a movie, and some talks and negotiations have been in the early stages. John Maclean and I will stay in the middke of it as writers and consultans whomever the actual movie company turns out to be.--Kathie FitzPatrick, Thirtymile Parent, Mother of Karen Lee.
    > Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 17:57:14 +0000
    > From:
    > To:
    > Subject: AFD has sent you a message on Firefighter Nation - Firefighter Rescue and EMS Social Network...To reply to this message, please follow the link after the message, do not reply to this message.
  • Karen Lee FitzPatrick

    Ooops a few typos. This is the second note. I am a born again Christian like Karen, and the Lord is truly my Rock and my salvation. He has refreshed me and healed me. I have been an advocate for greater wildland firefighter safety since the Thirtymile Fire. It will be a movie sometime over probably the next two years. The truth will come out eventually. God bless and take care!--Kathie FitzPatrick, the "voice" of Karen
  • Karen Lee FitzPatrick

    Ooops a few typos. This is the second note. I am a born again Christian like Karen, and the Lord is truly my Rock and my salvation. He has refreshed me and healed me. I have been an advocate for greater wildland firefighter safety since the Thirtymile Fire. It will be a movie sometime over probably the next two years. The truth will come out eventually. God bless and take care!--Kathie FitzPatrick, the "voice" of Karen
  • Mel

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm doing pretty good. Love the song on your page!! Take care
  • Ric Smith

    Hey Anthony, Hows life in San Dog!?!?! I'm working up here at Fort Lewis, Wa. I used to work for Bostonia Fire (Now East County Fire) back in the day..... TCSS, Ric
  • Sarah

    Aww, thank you so much! I was so excited when my friend showed me this site! It's good to be here. Have a great weekend! Sarah
  • anne potter

    Not the chargers lol.. I like the Jags,but still getting Nascar out of my system.. Heading to Dover in two weeks.. It ok someone has to like the
  • Amber (red)

    Thank you for the great welcome! Looks like you are having tons of fun! Stay safe and have a great week.
  • Melissa

    thanks i appreciate it. And yes, is there any other team?
  • FireBarbieT&C16

    hey thx you to! stay safe out there.
  • Amber (red)

    Starting 48, thought I would say hello, stay safe!
  • Enid Neeley

    And thanks for your welcome to me...God Bless and watch over you...
  • Alessandro

    thx for the add, firefighter........stay safe from Sicily!!!!
  • phoenixfbird

    Hi from SC stay safe!! Love Garth Brooks great music.xxPhoenix
  • Amy

    Thank you
  • Amber (red)

    What's Up, pretty darn slow here. Thought I would see how everyone is doing.
  • Amanda

    well thank u i like ur pict 2
  • phoenixfbird

    Hey you have a great weekend...Enjoy your day!!!Phoenix
  • Susan

    Thank You
  • Ric Smith

    How'z it going Anthony? Hope all is well with you. Well, good news.... I'm head'n back to Cali!!!! I just got a FF/PM job with Fort Hunter Liggett up in Monterey County. So I'll be back in the state this weekend. Hope to hook up with ya some time. TCSS, Ric
  • Jennifer

    Thank you for your kind comments! God bless and stay safe!
  • Robin Inman

    Hello and thanks for the welcome and your kind comments. It was nice to think about some place warm like California.....we had snow yesterday and 20 degrees this morning at 5:00am, brrrr......Keep up the good work and stay safe.
  • Firegal77

    thanks you for your kind comment! Hope all is well your way! Cheers!
  • Amber (red)

    Hey thanks,
    I was wondering if you were going to be on vacation forever. LOL
    Have a great Halloween.
  • Amber (red)

    Sounds like fun! I will be doing the kid thing to. Don't get a belly ache! That sucks there's no OT. Sounds like there's alot of that going around lately.
  • Firebabe Jen

    Hey there.. Thanks for the friends request! How are things in sunny California?
  • anne potter

    Where did you go there >>>> hello just thought on a wonderful night like tonight I would go thru and say hi to
  • Amy Silva

    Thanks for the comment, Anthony! It really puts a smile on my face to know that all of you courageous men and women would run into a burning building to save me, a stranger!

    If you have a chance, check out my company's website, and give us a call or email us if you ever need anything!

    Your friend,
  • Heather Dashwood

    hi there, well, my day was kind of good, alone, home, in my off day, catching up with things around the house.........
    what about you?
  • firebuffgal

    Hey! Thanks for the welcome. Stay safe!