
, Male

Johnstown, Pennsylvania

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff, Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
About Me:
I took the wacker quiz and here are my results. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I took the wacker test again and I am now only 83% wacker. Since they change all the pagers tone my score is lower because I do not know any of the new tones.

You are a 90% wacker!!!!!!!!(this is my old results before they change the pager tones)

You are a TRUE FIRE WACKER!!!!!!!!!!! You need to get out into the real world more often.Your auto mechanic wanted me to tell you that you are nearing the maximum load rating on your car's electrical sysyem from all of the flashing and revolving lights and radios.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to make a difference. I hope that I have made a difference for someone in my 25 years of being active. My body is worn out and broken. My back is broken. Now I go out to help protect my brother and sister firefighters. To watch over them in when traffic is heavy. I keep the traffic away from them while they save someones live. I keep the wierdo's away from them that just sat there own house on fire and they want it to burn. They try to stop my brother firefighters from putting it out. But I stop them before they cause any harm to them. I am still a firefighter. I pack up when needed. I let the younger guys pack up. When the time comes that I am needed to pack up and run it a burning building. I will go. I will be praying to God the whole time to protect me and to help me rescue someone and to bring us out to safety. But if I die I ask God and my fellow firefighters to watch over and to protect my wife, my children, and all of my many special friends that I have met on this journey on earth.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people
Top Issues Facing Responders:
lack of manpower

Comment Wall:

  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

    Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

    Thanks for joining the web's new social network JUST for firefighters, EMS and first responders.

    In just three months, we're approaching 7,000 members, 20,000 user-submitted photos, almost 1,000 videos, countless new groups forming, over 1,000 forum discussions, new blogs posted hourly, new job postings and connections to all of your fire service news, plus alot more. And this is just the beginning!

    Be sure to update your profile, stylize it, create your own unique identity on the Nation!

    You can help us grow. Invite your friends and co-workers in the emergency services to Just use the 'Invite More' link in the userbox at the top right of the site, e-mail every firefighter you know and tell them about the new site -- or add a bulletin to your Myspace or Facebook profile!

    Check out the Groups tab and join any that are appropriate -- such as your state's group -- or start your own.
    Want to find friends? Quickly find other members who you may know, simply go to the search box at the top right of every page on the site, type in a keyword such as your city name, and among the search results will be highlighted member profiles.

    And remember it is easy to upload Photos to the site in bulk (including mass uploads from Flickr), start your own photo albums, share videos by uploading or pasting embed code from YouTube, Google Video and more. Be sure you check out our Featured Photo Albums showcasing a sampling of apparatus and incident photography submitted by users these first few weeks.

    Plus get the latest fire service news, bloggers and news video from the 'News' tab or the latest firefighting and EMS employment opportunities from the 'Jobs' tab.

    Thanks again, and check the site daily for new pics, videos, members and more! Feel free to post any questions or comments on my profile page at or e-mail

    Web Chief

  • FF Davis 2118

    what kind of truck is that in the pic? its a pretty one!!
  • Jeff Betz

    OK, I have to give you my respect. I have a German heritage also, even make sure to have the sticker on my helmet. Better yet, I am a sucker for fire history and your profile picture is pretty cool. Nice work brother!
  • Jim Dorofey

    The website should be up and runing very soon. Me and Ricky fixed the problem we were having with it so it should be all ready to go here in a bit.
  • Jim Dorofey

    yea that sounds about right for a radio message especially the 13 wacker 1 part lol
  • Jim Dorofey

    but yea u were right Ricky, Jimmy, Eric, and Disco are all in the picture in the back
  • Amy

    awww thanks for the snow!!!! We appreciate it lol
  • PAFirePolice

    I took the wacker test and here are my results. lol!!!!!!

    You are a 90% wacker!!!!!!!!

    You are a TRUE FIRE WACKER!!!!!!!!!!! You need to get out into the real world more often.Your auto mechanic wanted me to tell you that you are nearing the maximum load rating on your car's electrical sysyem from all of the flashing and revolving lights and radios.
  • James A. Nichols

    hey there, how is firefighting in johnstown doing?
  • James A. Nichols

    we had a lot of mvas, some fire calls too
  • Cory Hiatt

    I didn't know a child could go into a seizer only from a fever! That is an eye opener! I'm so glad she is ok now.
    Hey, put some fuses in your cars electrical system. lol
  • eric51

    i will

    Hey thanks for the comments! Take good care of you--be safe!
  • Jeremiah Burch

  • rolando suarez

    thanks and be safe
  • Jim

    thank you very much! And yourself as well.
  • Inge

    hi thanks inge
  • Rachel...

    What a sweetie you are...thx for the kind words.... TC & SS....
  • rob

    thnk you, and to you as well
  • jen

  • Donna E.Pinknowski

    thanks for the request I wull be adding pics to my page soon hope you stop by to see them untill wit chat again take good care and be safe my brother
  • Michael R. McCall

    Thank you and be safe yourself.
  • Matt

    Thanks, You Be Safe Too
  • Marlene

    Thanks..... take care ;o)
  • eric deneault

    thank's for my picture !!
  • Carol Shaw

    thanks for saying hi, look forward to spending time on this site checking things out, have a great day
  • Tina

    Thank you for adding me. Take care and as always, stay safe.
  • Cathi

    Thanks for the invite. Johnstown Penn.?? Thanks I learned something new, I didn't know. Stay safe:)
  • Deb

    Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to talking in the future.
  • Katia

  • Tracey Brodnax

    Thanks :)
  • Mary Anderson

    Thanks you too
  • Thor

    thank you!
  • Mark Simon

    thank you very much from Engine 17 company...Quakertown, Pa
  • Thor

    Hi, I live in the North of Germany. 70 kilometers over Hamburg near northsea, in the middle of "Schleswig-Holstein" (Bundesland = State).
  • Judy

    Thank you! Be safe as well!
  • Kevin McDaniels

    thank you! be safe as well!
  • Zimmy

    same to you
  • Stephen Smith

    Good evening to you!
    Do you write a column in Pennsylvania firemen that is entitled "fire police"? I was just wondering if this was you that is writing this column. If it is keep up the good work and I am a big fan of your column and of the Pennsylvania firemen catalog.
    Stephen J. Smith
  • Jackie Flickinger

    Thanks for the comment i am seven months now and I am ready to be able to come back to the field. Thanks again for the concern and prayers
  • Mac

    Thanks! I hope to get alot of use out of this Site.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hi Jeff, I've been learning the site for the past three months as I have been recovering from knee surgery. Blew out my right one on a wildland fire a couple of months back. Had the surgery and now life is starting to finally get back to normal for me. This has given me the time to spend getting to know a lot of folks around the world. Something that you may also find really rewarding. This week I started a new group called Hazmat WMD Responders. Please check out the site for some cool stuff that I've been collecting for over 25 years since first getting involved with hazmat. I think you might find some of the shared information really useful. Let me know if I can be of assistance as you learn about the FFN site.

    What exactly happened to your back? I've had three back surgeries and am going kind of strong... I'm broken too. But have bills to pay and family to get through school. I'm sure you can relate. Stay safe! Mike from Santa Barbara, CA, USA

  • Katherine

    Thank You for the welcome.
  • Theresa

    Thanks for the welcome!! You be safe too