



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Day Job:
export and dangerous goods customs operater
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Why I Love Fire/EMS
to help people

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  • wayne frary

    you will have to tell me about a typical day for you in Metzingen,so i can see how you guys operate.cheers and take care.
  • wayne frary

    Sounds like you have very busy days. I am now of to work for the last shift this tour,then 3 days off,lovely!. Fingers crossed for a quiet one,some sleep would be a bonus. Take care Inga and speak again soon.
  • wayne frary

    Hi Inge. Been busy at work with this hot weather,lots of industrial fires.
    Had a great BBQ at the weekend,lots of beer was drunk!. Thats what summer is all about. Hope you and your family have had good times. Take care mate.