
48, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Job Function
EMT - Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Administrative Staff / Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
11 ----7 Fire & 6 EMS
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Johnstown Fire & Rescue- Past
Hach Ems Response-Past
My Training:
Incident Commander

FF1 & Haz Mat-Not Current
About Me:
I was a volunteer for the local fire dept. for 7 years, Loved the medical responce part, and pursued my career in emergency medicine. I am loving life and the curve balls it throws me, without learned life lessons, I wouldn't be where I am today!! I can finally say this is where I am supposed to be:)
Day Job:
EMS Responder and Safety Admin. Investigator
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Originally and honestly ----for the RUSH. Now it's because of the people who need me!!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Top Issues Facing Responders:
To risk your life daily, to save other lives. The mental stress on scene!! Only to build the skills to stay O so level headed , at the worst sights/ situations possible!!

Comment Wall:

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  • Jeff

    Hey Cathi,
    Hope you week went well..Are you ready for the weekend?
  • Jeff

    Just playing hard to get up here! I'd never ignore you on purpose. My weekend was great thanks. I'm working again today and then off until Sunday.
  • Stelzer III

    Hows things in your area?