

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Fire: 1.5 years EMT: 4
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
too many to list
About Me:
I turned 21 in April. I belong to three different stations two of them being an ambulance station and the other one is with the fire department. i'm going on my third year of college. I play all sports and love to stay active and spend my days outside!
Day Job:
CNA at a local hosipital, College Student
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to change myself for the better!

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  • Irons38

    hey katia just returning your message. things are good nothing really new happening besides working alot. hope all is good. be safe
  • Robert

    Extraordinary Career. Extraordinary People.

    We are offering opportunities for full pay and benefits WHILE WE TRAIN YOU to become a professional Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician! These entry level positions require no previous experience. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. A GED is acceptable.

    Our 450 career men and women Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians are dedicated to protecting lives. Few careers can offer such a challenging and meaningful mission in an atmosphere of teamwork and camaraderie. Prince William County, VA, pop. 380,000, is a large and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D. C. We are a growing organization with tremendous learning and promotional opportunities.

    If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

    Please visit our web site at www.pwcgov.org/fire and click on “Career Opportunities.” You will find our short employment application form which can be submitted online. Apply now if you are ALS for a July hire (15 positions). Apply now at any level for a Jan 2010 hire. (30 positions)

    Email mail if you have any questions.
  • T.J. Howe

    Yo kiddo!