Brian Gilbert

51, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
18 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Big Bend - Vernon, WI
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Clear Lake Fire Dept, TX
Muldrolf Fire Dept, KY
Wilson FD, WI
395th ODR FD, WI
Town of Sheboygan Falls FD, WI
Cross Ambulance, WI
City of Sheboygan Falls FD, WI
Plymouth Ambulance, WI
Plymouth FD, WI
Orange Cross Ambulance, WI
My Training:
I am a state Firefighter 2, MPO- pumper/Arial, Fire Officer II, Fire Inspector, Rescue Diver, Fire Instructor, and Paramedic.
Day Job:
Career Firefighter
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS

Comment Wall:

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  • Michael Ford

    Yeah I did.....
  • Marie

    thanks for the add! :)

    stay safe,
  • Rachel

  • Don Gesualdi

    How's it goin' bro, just got off shift this morning. how's everything in Wisconsin?
  • Crystal

    Thank you for the Friend Request! Feel free to check out my page and pics. If you have any questions...Just Ask! I am an open book.

    Take Care and Please Be Safe!
    ~Protect Thy Brothers~
  • Christina

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. I'm new to this site and haven't really looked around yet..
  • April Wiser

    Thanks for the add.
  • chele

    Hi! Nice to meet you!
  • Debbie

    Thanks for the welcome.
  • Michael Petrey

    hey thanks for the add...
  • GirlFFMedic

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Judith Musick

  • David

  • Marilyn

    Thanks for the Add
  • Katreena

    Thanks for adding me Brian :) take care!
  • Marty Hrinko

  • Reshani

    thanks Brian
  • Ian

    thanks bud
  • CJC

    Hey Brian!

    Thanks for the Add! Be safe out there!
  • phoenixfire27

    Hey Brian thanx for the add....take care and be safe out there brother...god bless!!
  • FF.Michael Ellis

    Hey Thanks
  • Amber

    Thanks for being a friend
  • maria

    hey friend welcome
  • maria

  • Victoria Day

    Have a good and safe weekend
  • Keith Wright

    How's things going today. Hope everything is well for you.

    Be safe thrive to stay alive
  • firefightinmom

    Hope you are having a great week and I hope you will add me.
  • Firegirl

    this is the pic that i got for my tattoo, thanks for adding me how is WI maine is very very cold right now
  • Cathy Shipley

    Thanks for add. Its nice to meet you, have a great day, Cat
  • Amanda W.

    Stoppin by to say hi!! :~}
  • Kerry K.

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Gary Walker

    Thanks Brian. I joined up in a bit of a hurry and was interupted during my profile compilation .... will update later. Cheers
  • Nikki

    Thanks for the add, hope to chat soon. Stay safe until then.
  • Elisabeth Estrada

    Hello Brian,
    Sorry for the delay in getting back but between two jobs and school it's been pretty busy these past few months. So how are things going for you?
    What do you do for fun?
  • Elisabeth Estrada

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Thanks for the Add Too!!!
  • Leigh Anne Etters

    Thanks for the add. Stay safe!
  • Vicki

    Thanks! And Be safe! :)
  • Justin Dunn

    Thanks for the welcome and adding me, stay safe.
  • Elisabeth Estrada

    Hello Brian
    Thank you for the information I appreciate you thinking of me.
  • mudnut

    Good luck on the test!!!
  • Melissa

    Valentines day
  • Larry

    Good Luck!!!
  • Jen

    Good Luck Brian with your fitness test! I hope u make it. I live 40 minutes from Oshkosh and we are always there shopping. Talk to u soon. Let me know if u make it.
  • Meds

    good luck with the physical man!!!
  • angie lingo

    It said u left a message but didnt see it. Maybe next time
  • Tony

    Good luck with the physical. I am testing for Fairfax, VA this Saturday.
  • Chan Rivera

    hi from ny
  • sara

    thanks for the add
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Thanks for the friend request Brian. Glad to have ya sweety. Hopefully the week is off to a good start for you. Be safe out there and GOD bless!
  • Ann Marie Leona

    Hey, thanks for the add. Nice to meet you. Stay safe.