I am on a slight warpath at the moment and this disscusion is gonna probally get me in all kinds of trouble, but frankly I just don't care anymore. I have had it. It seems to me that firefighters, as good and as heroic as the are, should be classified in the same catagory as truck drivers...... BIG FAT CHEATING A**ES. You can say I don't know what I'm talking about or whatever, but I have seen it in my own small department. It is a problem that I feel is spreading like the flu, especially with all the firefighters who watch Rescue Me- no matter how good the show actually is. (Dennis you Rock) But anyway, what I want to know is how come other firemen feel it is their duty to cover for an unfaithful fellow firefighter. It just p's me off to see this S**t happening in such a highly respected field. Little kids look up to firefighters and what kind of an example is Adultry to them. It just drives me freaking nuts to see the hurt that fire department cheating brings to people. How would you feel if it was your husband, or significant other who was banging someone else in the fire field.... Bet you'd be just as livid as I am. Even here on this website I have noticed that the ones with most friends are those who bare almost all there assets.. I feel it is disrespecting the heroic image that all of us as firemen are expected to live up too. For goodness sakes people, CHILDREN look up to you, and this is what they are seeing!!!!!!!

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Well first off Im a firefighter and a EMT Ive been married for 21 years. M y wife is a fire fighter and A EMT. We are both on the same fire dept. This kind of thing does not happen every where. You should deal with it the way you see fit. tell or dont tell. Its some thing you have to live with.
A cheater is a cheater no matter what job they are doing. Sure I'd be beyond p****d if I found out my bf was cheating and vise versa but it just as likely to happen at a bar or pta meeting as the firehouse.


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