How do you carry the small tools that may be needed sometimes at extrications?
Like the glass breaker, belt cutter, wrench, screwdriver, small crowbar etc

We have a purpose belt with the tools to disconnect batteries etc but it is not good since the tools fall out too easy (if leaning forward, crawling) so I am looking for ideas.

And what do you think should be in that bag?

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so this may not help you as it is a little different than your concept. All of our extrication hand tools are in a case on the truck. except for seat belt cutter and window punch kept in the cab. The advantage of keeping them in a large case is that it generally stays on the truck but could be taken off and moved to the tools staging area if necessary. 90+ % of our auto accidents are such we can pull within 20 ft of the accident scene and need only limited hand tools and not for an emergent action. With keeping it on the truck and close to the scene we can still get them pretty quick but most importantly we know where they are. So if we need something we know exactly where it is. Keep in mind we are not a career department and so we never know who is going to show up or what job they will be doing.

If forcible extrication is needed we set up a tool staging area and can move the case to that point. again same concept , all tools are in a central and well known location.

I am not convinced this is the right approach -- a tool belt/bag might be a good idea, but this works for us. Tools haven't gotten lost or misplaced nor do we spend time looking for a tool. Usually the only one with the tool is the one assigned to that task and they have it in their hand. Hand tools are returned to the case as soon as possible after their specific use.
I use my Rescue tool hehehe!!!
I carry a fabric tool bag, bought at Lowe's for $30. It holds the specialized hand tools that I need for instruction and ops and includes things that either we only have one of, or which we don't carry.
Most of the people in our Company carry a center punch in their turnout pocket to break glass and some type of multi-tool like a Leatherman for screwdriver etc. Usually has a blade that will cut seat belts. I have a pair of cable cutters that stay in my turnout pocket for cutting battery cables which are also handy for breaching structure walls containing wires.
Here is a bag...somewhat similar to what we have some of our "small tools" in. Its just an "old school" tool box, made with canvas and although its not a perfect thing it does work and its quick grab and go. We have our windshield saw, two screwdrivers, small cable cutter, and a number of misc items(seat belt cutter, pliers, etc). It has worked out pretty well for us, just grab it and head to the staging tarp.
Thank you for all replies!

The idea that everyone carries a window punch etc in their bunker gear seems a bit overkill, it is not an every day tool in my department and I have enough things in my pockets anyway.

The tool bag we have today is a toolbox "light", we have a standard tool box on the Engine with more tools, the idea with the tool bag is that it should only be the the most common tools and they should be accessible fast.

We have two ideas that we should try, one is a typical tactical vest used by the police, with high visibility on the back/front, radio pocket and all necessary tools and first aid on the chest in small pockets.
The vest will be situated on the Engine and you take it on when needed.

The other idea is a belt with leg pockets attached, like the gun holster of the police, also with a leg strap so that it does not flap around.
One leg pocket for extrication tools and one pocket for first aid, the belt is stored in the Engine and you take it on when needed.

The vest and and belt may a have different attachments for different calls, change the pockets accordingly.
For instance for forest fires - camel back water pack, radio, hose clamp, extra energy, filter mask, first aid.

The idea may be to have some kind of modular system
Here is an example:

We are very interested in what rescuers want as toolbelt or to store and carry tools.
If the veichle is wrecked, we just cut battery cable - negative first, with cable cutter. It's fast and easy, and it can be carried in pocket. Negative cable can be easy replaced.
In truck cabins we have cheap plastic boxes or tool bags with necessary tools like: screwdrivers, electricity tester, smal wrenches for batteries, cutters... The number of tools is minimal, just by expirience we know it will be most necessary. For complex works, we have boxes with appropriate tools in trucks.
Belt cutters from holmatro are attached with velcro on visible positions inside truck cabin. It's small and goes into pocket or you can attach on any velcro.
Glass-master tool is placed near hydraulic tools and it's used to cut/brake car glasses.
We have a medium Husky tool bag that contains your basic hand tools. Bear in mind that larger tools such as the irons and all powered extrication gear are assigned to a position. Our control position (cribbing man on MVA's) takes the bag to the vehicle. It contains the following:
-Speed Wrenches (3/8, 7/16, 10mm, 12mm)
-Small Cable cutters
-Res-Q-Wrench (seat belt cutter, window punch, pry tool)
-Adjustable wrench
-Side-terminal battery wrench
-Duct Tape
-Channel-Lock Pliers
-Vice-Grip Pliers
-Phillips & Flat-head Screwdrivers
-Officer's Tool w/ Trunk Key


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