July 20th.
Ely Farm La. / Woodhill Rd. - Brush Fire - Deputy 71, Rescue 71, Engine 81 handled
July 18th.
Station cover for Sta. 46 - Tanker 71 handled
July 15th.
Rt. 532 / Wrightstown Rd. - Wires - Engine 81 handled
July 13th.
981 Swayze Ave. - Wires
1425 Wrightstown Rd. - Fire Alarm
July 12th.
320 W. Riverwoods Dr., New Hope - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 46 for a Dwelling - Rescue 71, Engine 71, Tanker 71 handled
21 Vintage Farm La. - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
July 10th.
1112 River Rd. - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71, Engine 71 handled
July 8th.
21 Dunkin Dr. - CO Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
July 7th.
466 Pineville Rd., Wrightstown Twp. - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 35 for a Brush Fire - Deputy 71, Battalion 81, Engine 81 handled
July 5th.
1513 Wrightstown Rd. - Dwelling Fire - Deputy 71, Battalion 81, Engine 71, Tanker 71, Rescue 71, Utility 71, Chief 71 handled
Fire Alarm - Recalled
30 Jonathan Way - Wires - Deputy 71, Engine 71 handled
July 1st.
McConkey Dr. - CO Alarm - Handled by Chief 71
June 30th.
1302 Prospect Farm La., Lower Makefield Twp. - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 0 - Recalled en route
June 29th.
3 Sprucefield Ct., Solebury Twp. - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 46 for a Dwelling - Recalled en route
5189 Stump Rd., Plumstead Twp. - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 24 for a Building - Tanker 81, Rescue 71 handled
102 Lafayette Dr. - Fire Alarm
June 26th.
4 Pine Heritage Dr. - A/C unit on fire - Car 71, Engine 71 handled
June 23rd.
1260 Taylorsville Rd. - MVA w/Entrapment - Rescue 71, Engine 81, Rescue 0 handled
June 22nd.
Valley View Dr. - Smell of Gas - Engine 71 handled
June 20th.
70 Mt. Eyre Rd., Lower Makefield Twp. - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 0 for a Dwelling - Recalled en route
1000 block of Colonial Dr. - Fire Alarm
881 Highland Rd. - Fire Alarm
June 17th.
200 block of Heron Ct. - Fire Alarm
June 15th.
2130 Veterans Highway, Middletown Twp., Cover at Sta. 8 - Fire Alarm - Engine 71 handled
June 11th.
1800 block of River Rd., New Hope - MVA w/Entrapment - Chief 71, Rescue 71, Engine 81, Engine 46 handled
Dolington Acres Rd. - Fire Alarm
River Rd., near Hall Rd. - MVA w/Entrapment - Deputy 71, Rescue 71, Engine 81, Engine 71, Utility 71, Rescue 35 handled
June 9th.
900 block of River Rd. - Wires
900 block of River Rd. - Wires
900 block of River Rd. - Wires
June 7th.
Averstone Dr. - Electrical Hazard - Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81 handled
10 Skyview, Richboro - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 3 for a Dwelling - Recalled en route
60 Alexanders Ct., Wrightstown Twp. - Mutual-Aid for a Dwelling - Recalled en route
June 6th.
Knowles Creek - Fire Alarm
Dunkin Dr. - CO Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
June 3rd.
Dispatch Dr. - Grill Fire - Chief 71, Engine 71, Engine 81 handled
June 2nd.
1400 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Wires
May 28th.
Eagle Rd. / Wrightstown Rd. - Investigation - Engine 81 handled
May 27th.
198 River Rd., Yardley - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 0 for a Dwelling - Recalled
1565 River Rd. - MVA - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Battalion 71, Rescue 71 handled
100 block of Bruce Rd. - Pool heater fire - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71 handled
Tankard Ln. - Investigation - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81 handled
May 23rd.
1700 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Shed fire - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81, Rescue 71, Tanker 71 handled
May 20th.
Jericho Run - Fire Alarm - Rescue 0 handled while UMFC was at Fire Academy
May 18th.
Yardley Access Area - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 0 for a Marine Rescue - Recalled
May 15th.
1400 block of River Rd. - Dwelling Fire - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71, Rescue 71, Tanker 71 handled
May 13th.
1600 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Fire Alarm
May 11th.
6 Forest Blend Dr., Hopewell Twp., NJ - Mutual-Aid w/NJ Sta. 53 for a Dwelling - Utility 71, Tanker 71 handled
May 10th.
Dillon Way - Fire Alarm
Avondale Dr. - Fire Alarm
Beidler / Van Artsdalen - Brush Fire - Chief 71 handled
May 8th.
McConkey Dr. - Investigation / Odors from fire - Engine 55 handled while UMFC was at the fire
1 Van Artsdalen - Dwelling Fire - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81, Rescue 71, Utility 71 handled
May 7th.
368 Thompson Mill Rd. - Dwelling Fire - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 81, Tanker 81, Rescue 71, Utility 71 handled
May 6th.
180 Mt. Airy Rd., Stockton, NJ - Mutual-Aid w/NJ Sta. 23 for a Dwelling - Tanker 71 handled
May 4th.
Lookout Ln. - EMS Assist - Recalled
1108 Embarcation Rd. - Fire Alarm
May 1st.
100 block of Glenwood Dr. - Gas Leak - Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81, Tanker 71 handled
April 30th.
1600 River Rd., Hopewell Twp., NJ - Mutual-Aid w/NJ Sta. 53 for a Dwelling - Deputy 71, Utility 71 handled
April 25th.
1108 Taylorsville Rd. - Electrical Fire - Deputy 71, Engine 81, Engine 71, Tanker 71 handled
April 24th.
Rt. 532 / Wrightstown Rd. Brush Fire - Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81 handled
April 21st.
Woodland Rd. - Fire Alarm
Bellamour Rd. - Fire Alarm
April 19th.
1400 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Fire Alarm
April 16th.
600 block of Pineville Rd. - Fire Alarm
April 10th.
Rt. 532 / Dolington Rd. - EMS Assist - Deputy 71, Battalion 81 handled
April 5th.
1000 block of Creamery Rd. - Wires - Engine 81 handled
April 3rd.
Brooks Bend - Fire Alarm
April 2nd.
Van Artsdalen - Fire Alarm
March 28th.
1300 block of Eagle Rd. - Fire Alarm
March 27th.
Delaware River, New Hope Wing Dam - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 46 for a Marine Rescue - Recalled
March 25th.
1112 River Rd. - Fire Alarm
March 23rd.
100 block of Bruce Rd. - Rubbish Fire - Deputy 71, Engine 81 handled
Canal Run West - Chimney Fire - Engine 71, Engine 81, Tanker 71, Tanker 81 handled
March 22nd.
1076 Eagle Rd at PD HQ - Fire Alarm
March 21st.
Delaware River, New Hope Wing Dam - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 46 for a Marine Rescue - Chief 71, Utility 71, Marine 71, Rescue 71 handled
Vintage Farm Ln. - Fire Alarm
March 20th.
Lakespur Ln. - Electrical Hazard - Battalion 81, Engine 81, Engine 71 handled
30 Harmony Ln., Middletown Twp., Cover at Sta. 8 - Rubbish Fire - Recalled
March 14th.
300 block of Stonybrook - Electrical Hazard
1100 block of Taylorsville Rd. - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71, Engine 71 handled
1000 block of Crossing Farm Ln. - Electrical Hazard
March 13th.
1400 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Fire Alarm
1000 block of Creamery Rd. - Brush Fire - Engine 71 handled
1700 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Public Assist. - Utility 71 handled
1000 block of Creamery Rd. - Electrical Hazard
900 block of River Rd. - Wires - Engine 35 handled while UMFC handled a smoke invest.
1090 Eagle Rd. - Smoke Condition
Shannon / Woodhill Rd. - Electrical Hazard
Great Hills Rd. - Fire Alarm
14 Tara Way, Hopewell Twp., NJ - Mutual-Aid w/NJ Sta. 51 for a Dwelling - Tanker 71 handled
March 12th.
Beidler Dr. - CO Alarm - Battalion 81 handled
S. Main St., Yardley - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 0 for a Building Fire - Recalled
March 11th.
London Ct. - Fire Alarm
March 8th.
Lord Sterling Rd. - EMS Assist - Rescue 71 handled
March 4th.
Plane Tree Ct. - Heater Fire - Engine 81 handled
400 block of Pineville Rd. - Controlled Burn - Recalled
Lookout Ln. - Smoke Condition - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81, Tanker 71 handled
Lookout Ln. - Fire Alarm
March 3rd.
Canal Run West - Oven Fire - Deputy 71, Engine 71 handled
Rt. 532 / Lindenhurst Rd. - Wires - Engine 71 handled
March 1st.
Lakespur Ln. - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
February 27th.
Spring Oak Dr. - Dwelling Fire - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Engine 71, Engine 81, Tanker 71, Tanker 81 handled
February 26th.
1000 block of Eagle Rd. - Fire Alarm
Spring Oak Dr. - EMS Assist - Utility 71 handled
February 23rd.
Rt. 532 / Taylorsville Rd. - Wires - Engine 71 handled
February 18th.
Casey Ct. - Fire Alarm
800 block of Rt. 532 - Wires - Engine 71 handled
February 14th.
Knowles Creek Rd. - Fire Alarm
Milyko Dr. - CO Hazard - Deputy 71, Rescue 71 handled
Dispatch Dr. - Fire Alarm
February 12th.
Wrightstown Rd. & Highland Rd. - MVA w/Entrapment - Chief 71, Deputy 71, Rescue 71, Engine 81 handled
100 block of Stonybrook Rd. - Fire Alarm
February 11th.
300 block of Thompson Mill Rd. - Fire Alarm
McConkey Dr. - EMS Assist - Utility 71 handled
Valley View Dr. - CO Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
February 10th.
100 block of Walker Rd. - Public Assist - Utility 71 handled
100 block of Beaumont Dr. - Wires
400 block of Stonybrook Rd. - Fire Alarm
900 block of Mt. Eyre Rd. - Wires
200 block of Bruce Rd. - Gas Leak - Engine 71 handled
Shannon Rd. & Woodhill Rd. - Wires
February 9th.
Terrell Dr. - Fire Alarm
1000 block of Taylorsville Rd. - Wires - Engine 71 handled
February 3rd.
500 block of Logan Rd. - Fire Alarm
January 29th.
25 S. State St., Newtown - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 45 for a Building Fire - Recalled
January 26th.
1000 block of Mt. Eyre Rd. - Fire Alarm
January 25th.
1000 block of Creamery Rd. - Fire Alarm
1000 block of Mt. Eyre Rd. - Wires - Engine 71 handled
January 24th.
Buckmanville Rd. - Mutual-Aid w/Sta. 35 for a Dwelling, heater problem - Engine 81, Engine 71, Rescue 71, Tanker 81, Tanker 71 handled
January 21st.
1200 block of River Rd. - Controlled Burn - Deputy 71 handled
January 18th.
Woodhill Rd. - Electrical Hazard - Engine 81, Engine 71 handled
January 16th.
1400 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Fire Alarm
January 14th.
Rt. 532 / Taylorsville Rd. - Smoke Invest. - Engine 71, Engine 81 handled
January 13th.
2 Rosedale Way, Hopewell Twp., NJ - Mutual-Aid w/NJ Sta. 51 for a Dwelling - Recalled
Rt. 532 / Lindenhurst Rd. - MVA - Rescue 71, Engine 81 handled
Jonathan Way - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71, Engine 71 handled
900 block of Old Dolington Rd. - Fire Alarm - Chief 71 handled
January 9th.
1400 block of Wrightstown Rd. - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
January 8th.
Pheasant Run - Fire Alarm - Deputy 71 handled
January 6th.
Great Hills Rd. - Fire Alarm
January 1st.
1000 block of Creamery Rd. - Fire Alarm - Engine 71 handled