Hello All,
I am currently looking for information on any department that uses a skills book for there members. There was an article in one of the trade mags about departments that use one, but can not find the article any more. I am working on this for a project for my department, any information that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Be safe, Train hard, and wear your seatbelt.
Thank you for your help
Lt. Stephen Russell
Parkwood Fire Dept
Durham, NC

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Replies to This Discussion

Have you no skill books where the department know wich skill you have ?
Thanks David for your reply, we have a rookie book that has certain skills to be released to a functioning ff, but nothing for continued training. Don't get me wrong we train everyday but we are looking to come up with a skills book that every ff and officer can do throughout the year, and have it turned in for a record of you competencey of the bacis skills.
Lt. Russell,

I was recently working on the finishing touches of a Truck Operators class when I came across a skill book exactly like you describe. I found it with a Google search. I can e-mail to you if you like, just send me an e-mail address.

By the way. Do you have a copy of the Tiller crash I could use? All the video on line is in a Flash format and I can not download a copy. Got anything in MPEG or AVI?

Lou Sclafani
Pinellas Park, FL FD
Here in CT we are somewhat lucky in that the State Fire Academy makes available to all instructors the skill sheets to be used for certification to the FF1 & FF2 level. The career department in our city has recently started using these sheets are quarterly skill evaluations for all members. We are close to taking on a similar program. While it will not cover advanced training needs it will ensure that everyone stays sharp in the basics. The format is easily adaptable to any goal you want to set, so one could make their own if they really wanted to.


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