Im a line officer with a small rural volunteer dept. Recently it was brought to my attention that some of my guys are getting bored with training. Does anyone have any new training ideas that may catch the attention of my dept?

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I would like a copy of jeopardy . you may email it to
I know this is a little old, but if you still have this I would love to get a copy. If you don't thanks for your time. My email Is
I would appreciate a copy of this game also Thank You
One of my main objectives as a training officer is to get my folks proficient at using their SCBA's. I'm not talking about knowing how to turn one on, donn or doff, skip breathing, or anything like that. Those are basic skills. I want my people to not have to think about all those proficient. So, one of my favorite things, and they love it, is to take 100 foot section of hose and wind it all through the playground at the local park. If you have slide or tubes even better. First time you go through just follow the hose as a team. Once that is easy black the mask out. One or two time a year I even do consumption drills so everyone knows how long they can work before their alarm goes off and then how much longer they have before they are sucking plastic. A word of caution! I don't let it become a competitions as this breeds an unsafe environment. Know how to go down slides and don't let anyone climb or not be protected around ladders. Have them go through areas that require the airpack to be removed. Have them go through as many 16" on center areas as possible. They will talk about this for years. It has become a right of passage around here and still to this date, they beg me to go to the playground.
Sounds interesting! Could you forward a copy to me? My name is Tandy Young, Department Chief.
My email is . Thanks!!!!
I would love to have a copy of the Jeopardy game.
I would love to have a copy of the Jeopardy game. My email is

This sounds wonderful. Please, if you could, E-mail me this. It would definatley be a nice change of pace. Thank you in advance.

Paul Basic
Chicago Fire Department
Awesome site. Thanks for sharing it. I just got Captain in my dept and am looking to shake things up a bit with training, and getting back to basics. Too many depts get carried away with the LARGE drills like a school bus full of nuns driving into a tanker truck carrying Hydrogen Cyanide than colliding with a trailer full of TNT...what about simply discussing hose stretches and what is easier for the limited manpower during the daytime calls? The proper use of ground ladders? Using the JAWS at car accidents? Good topic and Im glad you shared that site with us. I will be using it frequently.
Could I also get a copy of your jeopardy game. It would be something different to do for training in these winter months. Thank you!
could I get a copy of your jeopardy game as well? It would be a great idea for these winter months! Thank You!
If still available, a copy would be great -



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