Hey team just a quick question,


Another thread in this group was started about good reading for fireys, but my question is directed to the 'Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics' by John Norman:


Do you think the material covered in this book could be applied universally?

I mean from my point of view (A New Zealand firefighter) im sure this would cover all bases for our situations over here as well. But, i haven't ordered the book yet so can't be sure.

Do you think it would provide a good insight for us fireys over in NZ?

Many Thanks

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I think that there is a lot of information there that you may have to adapt to your own needs.

My Department does not have the manpower often described in the book, yet the objectives, tactics and hazards are universal. You just just have to modify/adapt them to your Department.

It is an awesome book and a great read......
Yeah I thought this would be the case,

Many thanks for your response Dave, was good to get some feedback from different viewpoints before I purchased the book :)
In my own personal opinion, it is very good resource but it is not always applicable for every deprtment here in the US let alone overseas. There are many good viewpoints on objectives, tactics, and strategies that could be applied but you must custom fit the ideas to your department and your crews. By all means, purchase the book and let us know what you come up with. By the way, I love New Zealand!
As one of our Trainers always explains is fire fighting is like a tool box. Each time you learn something you can added something into your tool box. As a Volunteer / Composite Fire Department, we have a number of members from other fire departments. Who are career firefighters, they all bring in some great knowledge and experience to the table. But one thing that we all must follow is the Operating Guidelines for our department.

As long as you don't go against your Operating Guidelines, anything you learn or can bring to the table is a great asset. There are some great tools out there to help teach and learn new tricks of the trade.

Best Of Luck....


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