What does anyone think about people being mandated to pull over for curtosey lights

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I think it is a good idea. Anyone who complains about pulling over for a curtosey light hasn't needed help. And hopefully never will, because the next time they don't pull over might be for thier home or love one.
I don't if it ought to be law or not. I have mix feelings about this subject.

In most cases lights and sirens does not save a hole lot of time. In some cases you need that little bit of time it does save to make a difference in the out come of a call. i.e. Heart attack or code blue. I guess it depends on the nature of call. How far do you have to travel? Whats your driving conditions? Are you in a rural, urban or city? Rather it be a medical call. Is that medical call life threatening? Or does some one need to go to the hospital that might have a broken arm. You certainly don't need to run hot for that. What kind of fire is it? Is it a brush fire? or a structure fire with entrapment? Not saying not to run hot to a brush fire. You just don't need for people to get out of the way as you for the structure with entrapment. I have seen lights and sirens almost cause accidents. Because people by nature will panic not knowing really what to do or how to do it. I am sure you all have seen this. I know I have.

Lights and sirens on personal Vehicles. There is way to many glory hounds out there. You also have those same glory hounds out there in emergency vehicles. This is what concerns me the most about having a law that states you have to give right away. In our state you are asking for the right away. You still have to obey traffic laws. i.e. stop signs, traffic signal. You should all stop or slow way down at all intersection anyway. SOP's says 10 MPH above the speed limit.You have people that plays there radio so loud that they don't hear your sirens. Or just don't care.

I guess my hole point is hear we really don't need that yielding the right away law if we all use common sense in our response.

I think as the public should pull over for us. We need to use a lot of discression when using lights &siren joe public doesent expect a unmarked vehicle to fly up on his ass he is looking for a marked vehicle(police or Fire) not a beat up f-150. when he hears a siren. We as responders should use enough self control to get there and not get tunnel vision and endanger the public or ourselfs.I think it should be up to the dept to dictate when and what type of calls you can run hot to. The botton line is BE SAFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the public should have to pull over for us because we are going to try and help someone in need and like someone has already stated what if they were the victims would they want people to not pull over and slow us down.
Here in Delaware they have to or they can get a hefty fine. They also have to yield to right of way to stopped emergency vehicles.
The key word here is "courtesy" not emergency. I'm very mixed on this subject. Yes I believe in the use of courtesy lights but I also feel that it gives the user in some cases what they think is the right to do and act however they want when actually it is a privilege to have these lights. I feel they are definitely abused.
Let me add that you first must get your cirt. to run blue and white lights.
Yo Batman, Here in NY State red lights mean "move over" and blue lights can be used on PVs by Volunteer Firemen as a means to identify them AT THE SCENE so they can be picked out by traffic control people. They do not grant any Emergency status to the vehicle or the user. Thats good. They shouldn't. As long as some of our rookies have that "Yahoo, Its an emergency !!!!" attitude, Joe Citizen's right to the road should not be compronmised be them and they should not be incouraged to exceed limits. It should be an opportunity to learn and exercise the kind of self control expected of them. I understand that, in many major cities, serious restrictions are now placed on emergency traffic. Like obeying red lights and stop signs under any circumstances. Its all about the old CYA plan (liability). Keep the faith.
Do I think it should be mandated that they have too no. We are in our personal vehicles going to station or to the scene which is not defined as an emergency vehicle. So therefore have to adhere to all the rules of the road. By mandating that they pull over it can make an allready unsafe situation worse. As you know some people don't seem to have the common sense God gave a goose. I've had far to many people at the sight of my blue light slam on their brakes right in front of me without oncoming traffic yielding the right of way which puts me in a quick reaction situation even when I am at a safe distance to begin with. Now take this same situation with the law inplace for people to have to yield the right of way to blue lights. Say that same person slams on their brakes in front of you and you go to the other lane expecting that car to move over and they don't now what. I know the arguement can be made that the same thing can happen while in the engine, rescue, etc. Yet we take too many risks at time's as firefighters so why add one more unnecessary risk.
i like the idea for mandated law, but at the same time the only way this would work is if it became a law, nation wide with the specific colors being agreed upon. white for ems, blue for fire, green for commander, amber for hazards etc etc instead of each state having its own confusing set of laws..

part of the other problem is people abusing there power, i see a lot of cops who roll up to the light flip on the little switch and haul ass for 100 ft then drive like normal. for some reason i see these exact problems plaguing the system. i like it when the engine runs sirens around here its quiet so a siren goes along ways, we don't use a Q or a power call cause there isn't a need just wail and the air horn if the light turns red when its busy...
I think anytime you use the term "courtesy" light instead of emergency light you open a huge can of worms. In Mississippi for example we are allowed to use red for fire and most cops use blue. Medic units are a combination of red amber and white. With volunteers in their POV, "courtesy" lights are "just asking for permission" to go by and proceed. We (fire service) are doing a great service to our respective communities, but their are too many folks who have and will continue to abuse the laws and regs to try and make a law concernig the use of courtesy light, the best we can do is educate the public. We try to bring this up in any of our PR work with adults and even teenagers who are driving age, about what courtesy lights mean and what to do if you are in front of or meet someone with them on. I understand the arguments about a code blue or a structure with entrapment, but I go back to training for the answer their. "RESCUER SAFETY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT"

Just my 2 cents.


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