I carry a Motorola Minitor V and a Motorola Radius P1225 hand held radio. and in my POV i have a Kenwood moble.

PS any one had any trouble out of Minitor Vs i havent yet but its brand new...i have had 2 Minitor III and they were ok but i love my V its so much better.

(The pics are not of mine i just got them off the net)

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after a while you won't like the Minitor V's because mine goes anytime but being low band you'll have this, Dept issued Mt1000 low band 6 channels, icom vhf portable 16 channels, My own vertex low band plus ham radio gear as well
we are a combination department. Everyone is issued the same - Minitor 3 or 5 depending on what's available, and a Motorola XTS2500 800mhz handheld with lapel mic.
im perty sure that we also carry the minitorV but ill be sure to get back and let you know exactly what it is we have.
I have a minitor II with stored voice, (that i bought off ebay), and no radio yet, my department is working on switching everyone to minitor IV's and V's we will have to any way when we get our low band license, the II's and III's aren't going to work. Our EMC( emergency management Coordinator) is working on getting the county new digital radios also.
Minitor V High Band Pagers and Motorola VHF Radios with our 2 department frequencies. Our county is still on low band but we use a repeater system to be able to communicate with everyone which is effective but not perfect. The county will go to VHF sometime in the future - hopefully soon since they have only be talking about it now for over 2 years.
i have a Uniden Bearcat BC350A scanner and a Motorola Minitor IV pager. i prefer the minitor IVs because they're not as thich as the minitor Vs.
my is ok it goes off when it should. i think it looks better then the big old red pagers. had this pager for about a year now.
Minitor V pager, and a Kenwood TK-280 with Lapel mic. VHF. The department has issued some Vertex Standard.
i had a minitor v for ever i had it ever since they came out out 3yrs ago and my dept decided to go back to the Ivs i really enjoyed my v. i carry a minitor Iv and a minitor 2000 radio held held. i have a uniden bearcat scanner in the house that is always on and that thing has to be to about 10 yrs old if not older but get every channel i need and then some. some it. we have fives but dont issue them to anyone unless we are out of pagers and then they get them. our company doesnt like the 5 at all. all the higher ups get 4s. and back from there jrs get 2 or 3s and they reg membership gets 3s then the officers and etc get the 4s.
We just have radios issued to us, I was carrying a Ritron Patriot (which truly is ff proof). We also have some Icon's but I'm not sure what the model is, and last January the officers all got new Icons (I think) that have so many bells and whistles and channels on it but they were almost free with the homeland security grant. As i commented on another page, We have considered getting pagers also but to us it is a waste since they cost almost as much as a radio and you can't talk on them. Sure they only go off when the tones drop but so did my radio, I had a page channel that i left it on all the time since I don't like listening to county doing car stops, and domestics. Yes, it is bigger and heavier than a pager but it is handier also.
We use Kenwood TK-280's with a lapel mic for now. There was talk about upgrading but it was put on hold for now.


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