Being a volunteer and getting to calls is sometimes difficult. Here where I live we have to obey the speed limit and obey every law. I live about 6 miles from the station and during the week there are only a couple of us around because the rest of our personnel are at work. The few of us that are around need to get there quick and we cant do that. I personally think that we should get a little leeway and be able to drive at least 10 mph over the speed limit. We are going to help someone in someway. We are here to help and thats all we want to do is be able to get to the station so that we can do all that we can to help the people in need.

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hey chris what part of tn u from
I would love to reply to this Getting to Calls.

First Jessika I have to agree I didn't see anything in the comments that would make in sound because you are a woman they said, what they said. But I will say if you want answers I wouldn’t play that card it seems to shut people down. I am a man and I have received some answers close to the ones you are getting.
I have been trying for almost a year to have the Nova Scotia (Canada) Highway Traffic Act changed to allow Volunteer Firefighters the use of a Green Courtesy Light.

Just to let you know I have heard it all from everyone in the Fire Service.

Miss use: You find that around 98% of the time when you hear replies like this it is someone that is allowed to run a Light in their Pov. When they leave a reply for you check who they are and where they are from then check their Rank in the Dept they belong to. 98% of the time they will have the same Rank in their Dept. It has amazed me every time a Chief or Deputy Chief replies by saying, the light doesn’t save any time, miss use, safety etc. I will Guarantee that when I asked this next question the answer will and has been to me 100% the same from all Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs. When they come out with all these statements about miss use, won’t save time and safety I want you to ask this question to them. If these are true statements are you going to remove your Light from your Pov. I bet the answer is always 100% no.

Now if any chief or Deputy Chief can tell me why it is any different please send the answer to me at Just so the Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs don’t get mad I want you guys/girls to know I support you and your Light 100%. If I didn’t support them 100% I would not be fighting for us to be allowed the use of a Light. A few more good questions are, has there ever been miss use by a Chief or Deputy Chief, has there ever been a Chief or Deputy Chief injured or killed while responding with the Light on while responding. The answer to these questions would have to be yes and just to let you know there are no known stats that say a Chief, Deputy Chief or Firefighter killed while responding due to the Light on their Pov. Every accident that has involved Firefighters has been due to driver error for one reason or another, speed, seat belt not on etc. These injuries and deaths of Firefighters while responding have nothing to do with the Light but the lack of training and brains. Firefighter dye responding with or without Lights every year and training is one of the most important things that can be done and the Firefighters must slow down and driver with due regard for the rules of the road.

I will tell you that more Firefighters should be trained on how to respond with their Pov’s. I have never found one Dept that has trained the Firefighters on how to respond if their Dept does not use the Light. I have found that the only Dept that seem to train Firefighter on this is the Depts. that run Lights. I think this training should be mandatory for all Firefighters with or without Lights.

Sorry about how long this is but I feel very strongly about Firefighters being identified to the public when responding. If the training and rules are in place and enforced there should be no problem. Yes there will be miss use and Dum drivers and it is up to us to weed these nuts out.


My site
Very much agreed to Your plight.....We are fortunate that We are able to run red lights and sirens(in Ohio),and able to go "10 over"the speed limit.This does not,however,disable the fact that people will still not get out of the way! Stay true to the traffic laws in order to get to the station or scene in one piece!People are in a "fog" when driving,in their own world.Defensive driving is a must! You must remain twice as aware as anyone on the road when responding.I can't stress this enough.To get to the truck,and the scene, in one piece.....that is the ultimate goal.Anything else will do nobody any good.I don't see this as a matter of wear and tear on Your vehicle.If You exhibit safety concerns for Yourself in responding,Your vehicle will reap the benefits of Your defensive response .


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