My dad has the back of his leather helmet bent down. How do i get it like that??? Or does it get like that over time?

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The bend is called a "Bronx" bend. It isn't good for your helmet. heating and bending the leather can/will crack it. On my last leather I forgot to put my chinstrap on in a hot fire and it curled the side brims with out cracking it. So if your going to give your helmet a Bronx bend (I would not) wait till your in a good one and bend it when you exit to change your bottle.
Marty, Check out the leather helmet shape discussion on this page
an easy and quick way to do it is to just heat it up with a hair dryer and bend it instead of having to wait until you get a fire
Come on Brian that takes the fun out of it lol
lol this is true but thats what i did cause we dont really get enough fires to do that
I hear that bro!!! We havent had a good fire in a min. Lately weve bin assigned to RIT on the rippers
lol yea i would like to even have one to be assigned RIT on! i guess thats a good thing but you have some excitement every once in a while!
yeah we see some fire fo sho!! We ran a standby today for a ripper. I have a few fire pics check out my page
Thanks guys...i might try the hair dryer...bc we dont get alot of im not 18 yet so i cant go into a fire.
Hairdryer? thats pretty manly at least if you leave the helmet in the sun in a position that will "help it along" you can be truthful about how it got that way.. using a hairdryer and forcing the leather to do things you think looks cool is kinda "G aaaay" I can imagne my 15 yo Jr coming to me and telling me he messed his helmet up trying to make it cool....nest time you have a camp fire save the ashes and rub em all over your helmet and you will look like you have actually been to a fire too, like the south bronx in 1974 , at least till it rains ... Marty learn how to be a firefighter and then allow others to realize you Know something by your actions, thats how you get respect and then look cool.. not with fake dirt or fake bends on your helmet... Be the type of Jr and then Firefighter who doesnt need to be told to sweep the apparatus floor when it needs it roll a length when its dry even if none of the seniors are around to see you do it.,., be the 1st one to break down and start rolling hose at an incident, take a hand tool a day off the truck, use steel wool to kill the rust and then a light coat of oil for your axes check handles and be sure they are in good shape, no cracks or splinters in wood or fiberglass, paint or repaint with the company color a marker band if you use like stripes on the handles same with the pike pole or hooks and other tools clean all the tools out of one compartment at a time, sweep/vacum the dirt up, if you find rust notify your officers, they may want to sand and reprimer and paint the compartment to stop any rot. thats one way to gain some respect.... and all things that need to get done occasionally :)
Ok first of all i didnt use the hairdryer to bend my helmet to make it look like i have done something i personally like the way it looks like that so you dont have to go on saying people are doing it to try and make it look like something its not... if they like they way it looks like that let them do it if someone is coming here looking for advice like that telling them the way they do it is "gay" is not the right thing to say to them. i wouldnt advise anyone to rub ashes on their helmet to make it look like they have fought some fire cause thats just dumb but there is nothing wrong with using other heating methods such as a hairdryer to put a bend on your helmet

Well come on man he is a junior let him feel good with his helmet most of us all did it . Plus lets face it the fact of a bronx bend is it makes it easier to utelize your helmet and be more versatile by not bumping yor air pack now my leather curled on its own in a real hot fire at a furniture stripper warehouse i just molded it after i came out i like the fact that it makes it easier.Bottom line it is more fun to get it in a fire but the other hand is when will you get that fire i was lucky i only had mine for about 6 months before i got it to bend but if you are in a small department and want the look and function of the bend do it but do it right. 


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