
The first call

A group were you can share the story of your first fire call!

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Comment by 55 TRUCK on February 26, 2014 at 9:33pm
I got on the Divide Colorado Vol. dept. While
I was still stationed at Ft.Carson.
First call is a house fire. I take a back up line
to the garage. Door is open lot of smoke, I see yellow
dancing near the back wall in the smoke. I blast it with a strait stream..... It was the reflective tape on
the bottom of a bunker coat.
Another piece of information I learned on that fire
was... You can't cuss on civilian radios.
Comment by Timothy John Dodson on January 31, 2014 at 3:31pm

My first call was right after I joined my first department shortly after graduating high school.  It was an ambulance call for a GSW of all things,  and the patient ended up being a school-aged child.  Luckily she was not hurt that bad.  But that was my baptism into EMS/Fire.

Comment by Paul Gillespie on January 31, 2014 at 2:44pm

Wow...Well, about 18 years ago I was sitting at home on a saturday morning when this god forsaken sound started coming out of the red Minitor II pager I had been issued. Brush fire not to far from the county line. I arrived with a Captain and Assistant chief on a very windy unusally warm February day. The fire jumped the road almost as soon as we arrived. Myself and 2 other "Probies" were going at it when we noticed we had been abandoned by our apparatus that took off after the leading edge going through the field at about 50 mph. We worked the flanks, got it out then had no damn clue what to do. We caught a ride on a mutual aid brush truck through the field to find a structure had just become involved. We hauled ass to our truck, donned our gear and went to get an assignment. We soon learned that we (the probies) were the only ones that brought their gear with them and were thrown on the hoselines (the old guys didn't bring gear on a field fire, but we didn't know any better....good thing huh? haha) I came home stinking to high heaven and so dirty I had to take 2 that moment, as I stood in the shower, tired, in pain, hungry and dirty ....I was hooked. I knew I would be doing this for the resto of my life.

Comment by Sarah on August 22, 2012 at 5:53pm

My first call was on a tanker call for smoke in a building. We got placed available, but it was worth it!

My second call was my first real fire call, it was a four alarm warehouse fire.

Comment by johnnie walter specht on August 15, 2012 at 3:40pm

wow1st call  the first night i got my online scanner that night. a trailer fire people were'nt home 

Comment by Karr Quintero on September 9, 2010 at 1:26pm
wow the first call, lol, i was given my pager and a brief run down on how it works, and that our tone was differnt then the other 18 departments, when i asked how will i know the diff my capt said " you'll know"..
well later that night whill trying to relax hearing all those diff tones wondering if i stay or go and barly making out the dispatchers vioce all of a sudden a tone dropped followed by a screaming beeeep,,,
"crap i guess thats me?" and off i went.. didnt know what i was doing or what to do, was first at the station and and the EMT's wer just snickering when I asked what to do. Non other first responders answerd up and one of the emt's said jump in the rescue and follow i did..
It was an Lift Asst....
even for such a simple call my adrenaline was pumping, man what a
many many calls later i still get the rush, love it!
Comment by Bekks on August 25, 2010 at 12:06am
My first call (F.D.) was for a rollover with entrapment. Being the 'new guys' my wife and I (she's on the dept also) took up traffic control points on both sides. It was killer hot and humid that day but wearing the bunker gear was better then loosing a pound of flesh to the Deerflies!

When we got our second call (alarm activation - unknown if smoke or CO), the dog decided he doesn't like this new pager thing... (it makes all this noise with a strange voice and mommy and daddy jump up off the couch) so he started running around and barking so loud I almost missed the address! LOL

No proper "fire" calls yet.
Comment by Andrew Salinger on August 24, 2010 at 7:50am
First call was to a chimney fire. was bout to jump in the shower and my phone went off (we have a sms alerting system as well as pagers) checked it clothes back on and to the staion in under a minute on me bike. just caught the pumper before it took off. good thing its hard to start! spent most of the job digging out a hydrant lucky we didnt need the water.

First scrub fire was a escaped fire from a pile. ended up spending the night fighting a fire in a coal mine
Comment by Kent Calhoun on August 8, 2010 at 8:33pm
my first call was to a accident were a 18 wheller slamed into the back of a loaded oil truck,the high way was closed for about 8h. it was not a nice call to get my start in the fire service! My first fire was a tire fire on oct 31!!
Comment by Capt.Jocelyn Chiasson on August 8, 2010 at 2:51pm
I remember like it was yesterday it was bushfire on side of the highway
fisrt time they give me my pager they told me.
To make sure you ear the pager at night turn the volume higher, so i turn it wide open.
Well we heart it the wife it the sealing and the 140 pound rottweiller try to crawl under the couch LOL

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