No I am a angel and way too shy to speak in class ;o).
After that dry class they should come here to stop the brain damage.
The best part was we all brought stuff to cook and during the little 10 minute breaks in the morning we cooked and and made lunch in the oven. At lunch time we all ate together you could not tell a vollies and paid guys. We needed bunkers in the kitchen at the table the crap was so deep. The class was not fun, But the firefighters made it a blast and most did not know each other.
Because you know I am willing take one for the team...
and go the extra mile...
even staying after class...
to teach the next generation of firefighters...
and firefighter leaders...
how to find 'em hot...
how to leave 'em wet...
because I am not struggling with being shy lately...
yes... and I love that when everyone is in gear or out in a neutral setting... status doesn't matter... everyone is equal and everyone just loves what they do...