I have looked high and low for a thread about the difficulties a department in Texas with few and dwendling memberships. Since I cant find him/her (for some reason this Forum is hard for me to navigate) I will start a new thread and hopefully they will find me.

I bought my property 13 arces in South Texas, 30 miles east of San Antonio in 2000. The proximity to a Firehouse was a consideration. I got lucky the Firehouse is a couple of miles down the road. I have been an on again off again member. Recently a bulldozer operator started several brush pile fires during a Burn Ban and the day before a Red Flag warning. As a landowner I see both sides of the arguement. When the following day at sundown a 30 mph continous wind rose it was simply to dangerous. I called the Sheriff's office and had a Deputy sent out who called it in. Even with mutual aid and the dozer operator tearing four piles apart it took most of the night to put it out.

A week later I went to the meeting just to see what the department was like, and to rejoin. In was two weeks before New Years. The trucks were newer, there was a handful of firefighters and an equal handful of members.

Beginning early evening New Years Eve, They responded to no less than 8 fires in a 36 hour period. As well as a couple shortly after. I went to the next meeting.

The trucks were dirty and firefighters were wore to the bone. There was only a half a handfull of members attended. It was obvious the members knew when to stay away.

Over the following weeks the situation presented it self as dire. Simply, there arent enough bodies. The Chief is at his limit dealing with issues that should be delegated to others. The firefighters are demolarized with a feeling of being "Put Upon". I do not disagree when he expects his firefighters to rise to the challenge, that is all he has to look to.

I may not have a BA degree, but the problem is clear. They dont have any depth. The best example is the championship NBA SPURS. The reason they are a dynasty is their bench is 3 and 4 deep. The fourth string is expected to perform as well as the first string. The fourth string is focused on as much or more than the first string. (there is no fourth string just an example)

So I charged myself with recruiting members. I presented a plan for a website. It was accepted and approved, I dont even think that they realized they are getting thousands of dollars of my efforts and all I ask is that they realize the plight and at least participate. I have made it so simple A CAVE MAN CAN DO IT!

All of the suggestions made on the thread I cant find again were excellent, and I have suggested we reach out to Juvenile Offenders offering them redemption and a possible future.

However I sit at this keyboard disappointed. My success is dependent on their dedication. So help me with advice. I will not post the website here as it might be misconstrued as an attempt at spam. What I will do is post an address to an email auto responder that will send out the web address (link) to the department website.


I truly would appreciate your suggstions. Even if I have to build a website for a different department to prove to my members, it works.

My fear is that in two years, my Department's doors wont open when called!

Thanks for listening.

Views: 62

Replies to This Discussion

I understand your plight we run around 100 calls a year I know that doesnt sound bad but when the grass fire start they seem to happen one after the other and somtimes last for a day or more. Our department has been limited to 20 and this is pretty tough. We try to call each other if we are going to be out of town and we are lucky enough to have several neighboring departments who we mutual aid for and they for us. Even though we only have 20 slots its hard to find firefighters to take the slots that will stay for any period of time.
Angee have you tryed haven an open house. pull out the smoker.. you cook it they will come a running ever one loves free food one there in your house take to them. ill bet youll walk away with at least two more member. we have a web page mabe it could help you out a little.http://www.combinefire.org good luck..................................


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