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SFFMA Certification

Started by Rick. Last reply by David Martinez Jul 6, 2009. 11 Replies

ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS............

Started by SLIM. Last reply by Gerald Koenning Jun 7, 2008. 3 Replies

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Comment by John Walter Cleveland on February 24, 2011 at 4:08pm
Her s one for you. I work for the TDCJ and got a new LT . The old one know if I called in I was going to a fire and would call as soon as I got in to see if they need me. My new LT say I have to come to turn out and if their is staff he will let me go . the state policy say that we get admin. time if we respond and their is a nuff staff . I do not care about the pay part I have to take 2 day off a month so I don't lose time so take it out of that. The problem is the page go out at 1500 hr and turn out is not till 1730hr. If you see a problem with this like I do help me fix it . contact you state rep. and have them fix the wording so we do not get punished for saving a home instead of giving a inmate 2 hr rec.
Comment by John Walter Cleveland on November 1, 2010 at 3:18pm
had four calls in four days about same area . nobody wanted to grab their ball and get a dozer into the timber that was so heavy that we could not get thought it with the brush trucks . finely on the fourth day it was all on one land owner and he said do what ever it takes . the county commisher still dragged their feet so the dispatcher called a dozer owner / operator and he had a fire brake cut and was loading back up before the county hands got their unloaded . My opionon is the dozer should have been on scene the first day before it got that far . but when your dealing with 4 differant land owners and elected officals what can you you do ?
Comment by Norm Tindell on May 24, 2010 at 9:31pm
Well, here we go. Somebody turned off the faucet and we're drying out fast. Suppose it will continue to get dryer? We're loaded with fine fuels in North texas.
Comment by Johnnie Tindell on May 6, 2010 at 11:03pm
HelloVolunteer Firefighter's,I volunteer for Cresson,Texas.I'm proud to be in the group.
Comment by A.J. Timmer on March 17, 2010 at 11:04pm
Hello all fellow Texans. Proud to join the group!
Comment by Matt Nesius on March 12, 2010 at 6:40pm
Hello all, I wanted to invite you to check out a brand new site called www.BrotherhoodFirst.com. Its a site where FFs can buy, sell and trade with other FFs, for Free, forever. Thanks, stay safe.
Comment by Matthew Voges on February 18, 2010 at 1:03am
Hi everyone. I am a mebber of Potter county Fire-Rescue and a TX Army Nationl Guard Solder that is deployed to Iraq. I am trying to git as many pics of the fire Service here as I can on my free time and trading paches. Chck out my profile for the pics.
Comment by Karen Quilodran on February 17, 2010 at 7:44pm
Hello to all of Texas greatest firefighters. Glad to be a member.
Comment by Norm Tindell on February 3, 2010 at 6:50pm
Can't believe it's been two months since someone joined this group. There are a lot of us in Texas. I'm glad to be among us.
Comment by Michael Brittain on December 1, 2009 at 9:47am
Good morning Texas Fire Fighters! Here is our Department Web Site...
www.jvfire.com Hope ya'll enjoy. Have a Very Blessed Christmas Season and Be Safe!

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