A.J. Timmer
  • 53, Male
  • Brazoria, TX
  • United States
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  • Ashley Nichole Caschetta
  • Nyssa Aker
  • Theresa A Pereira
  • Liz O'Neill
  • Lisa Catty
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A.J. Timmer's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 yr
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wild Peach Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
3 yr
My Training:
Basic certification
Vehicle extrication Level 1,2
Wildland S130/S190
About Me:
I love the outdoors. Hunting ,fishing, archery.
Day Job:
Piping Inspector
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To assist my fellow firefighters so we may help our community in times of need.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Its a great feeling to know I can help someone when they need it most.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Continuous training, Staying healthy.

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At 10:38pm on April 21, 2011, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Just wanted to give you an invite to come join the new singles chat I started in the group - Chief's Back Room Crew - since it seems more people hang out in there on a daily basis - i wanted to give some more opportunities for us fun singles to visit with each other and gather up more of the wandering singles in this site - so invite your single friends and come join us... see you around the pages. Lady Heather B

At 10:37pm on November 14, 2010, Bonnie said…
Thank you for the add. Believe it or not, I live in a desert in Washington so it isn't too wet here! Have a good week and stay safe.
At 3:16am on October 23, 2010, Jessica Swift said…
Right no I am just going where ever I can find work, buty goal is to be a full time firefighter/paramedic hopefully by the end of 2011.
At 12:21am on October 22, 2010, Jessica Swift said…
Well I got away from training this summer and I didn't work out as much as I shoul, but I just started really getting back into it. I know what you mean as far as fitting it it. This summer I was working 70 hours or more a week, but now work I slowing down a bit so I am working out 6 days a week. The combat challenge is a a series of events that simulate stuff we do on most fire scenes. They hold competitions all over the country.
At 11:38pm on October 20, 2010, Jessica Swift said…
Yes it was a challenge. The trailer was basically jammed into the back of the tractor. The whole thing was suspended over a "ditch" (sorry wasn't sure how to describe it) that was apprx 10-12 ft deep. We used every bit of the stabilization equip. that we had to stabilize it for extrication.
At 10:45pm on October 20, 2010, Jessica Swift said…
A lot of our runs ar mutual aid. At least the field fire calls. We are a bit more known for our mva's since we have a section of interstate. We had a bad one not too long ago involving a semi. Chopper was called. It too a ton of stabilization to extricate the driver.
At 10:21pm on October 20, 2010, Jessica Swift said…
Thanks for the add. :)
At 12:29pm on September 12, 2010, Theresa A Pereira said…
Thanks! Nice 'meeting' you!
At 7:47pm on August 10, 2010, Nyssa Aker said…

I appreciate what you said regarding CERT. There are not many people out there that consider us emergency response or even worth having. We are coming on slowly but sure it is more for education but for people like me it is a new doorway to open to possibilites. To those who are willing to answer the call to help others are everywhere and we just must recognize those people no matter how small a group is. Thank you and God Bless.

At 10:35am on August 3, 2010, Lisa Catty said…
Gday AJ...
Well life down under a little boring for me last 4 months, just recovering from a shoulder recon. after i got injured at work, its slowly getting there hope to be back with the crew in under 2 months,,,
normally we attend MVA's Hazmat, mainly gas leaks, cats in trees, majority of all types of structural fires, car fires, and of course bush fires. so lucky quite a diverse range of incidents,,,
what about yourself.....

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