now i know that no one likes to repack a truck after you fight a fire but what is the best and most efficient way to repack a truck???

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All of our Trucks, and Engines have cabinets that are custom built to hold all the plumming and the tools in a specific place. So when you open a tool cabinet, like Forceible Entry tools. Those are all in one cabinet. And if you cannot figure out how it gets put back into its correct location. Yes there is a picture that shows you just how the cabinet is supposed to look like packed. Everything is clearly marked pretty much "Dummy Proof" And as far as repacking the trucks and Engines after a Fire, thats easy All it takes is an order.
We repack all of our hose on scene unless the hose is damaged or needs to be taken out of service for some reason. It is an all hands evolution when we repack hose. We try to take pride in every aspect of the job and when we repack hose together with another company or another Fire Department, it is a chance to bond and help one another. From a Truck standpoint, we repack hose right alongside the Hose jockeys and nozzle heads even if we never touched a hose line at that fire. We take pride in helping one another and this is one of the many things that a cadet or explorer will never learn in an IFSTA manual and their is no NFPA recommendation.
PROBIES. LOL. No just kidding we all do repak at the scene.
Isent that what probies and Jr members are for??? lol just kidding. EVERYONE HELPS, its not uncommon to see a white helmet yes i said white, to be seen packin hose back on the truck.


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