I believe FAST (or RIT for others) operations can be over rated at times.  In the town I work for, there are 12 fire departments (kingdoms we call it) that serve the town.  Most of the fire departments are specialized in FAST operations when called upon for a structure fire (either possible or confirmed).  Most of these fire departments might not train on a monthly or quarterly basis for FAST.  This can be a problem since every skill we're taught as a firefighter is a perishable skill (if you don't practice it, you'll forget about it).  So how can a fire department guarantee this FAST service if they can't keep up on the training.  Then there's a way they do training.  I remember going through FAST training in a concrete building where there was no carpet, no furniture or anything associated with a single-family dwelling, which are bread-and-butter to most of our communities we serve.  Trust me, a house with all it's furniture and carpet (and hoarding for some) is truly different than what we experience in the training tower.  How can we know for sure that all the tactics and skills we acquire through training can apply to the real world.  I don't think this can happen and do more harm than good for the FAST members and the down firefighter(s).


I feel FAST is something that needs to be re-looked at and apply common sense.  Teach firefighters to not get into that situation where they need a FAST help and just put out the fire or pull back out if the situation is truly deteriorating.  Lets not put alot of emphasis on FAST but concentrate more on SLOW (Stretch Line Open Water).  Get back to the basics of putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff and not training on advance techniques to "packaging a firefighter" in a hazardous situation that's deteriorating rapidly.


What do you think? 

Views: 198

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Tim i agree totally , We do not train on the basics enough , our turnout gear is giving us better protection allowing us to stay the fight longer,while the newer building construction is lighter, and may fail sooner, As an incident commander i must watch these conditions constantly,or more sections watching for me to make decisions on the safety of my people , The Fast or Rit team is just another tool in the tool box that we all hope we never need to use ,and with keeping with the basics and S.L.O.W. this can be accomplished .


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